
An all natural alternative to antibiotics in a safe herbal formula

If you’d like a powerful all-natural remedy to help your body defeat colds, flu and MORE, try LDM-100!

This one small bottle can supply you and your family’s body help to increase its immune defense systems. It supports your body so it can recover quicker.

•Reported to also be anti-viral and anti-fungal
•Use to support the immune system for all kinds of issues – ears, cold sores, asthma, hay fever, respiratory, urinary tract, candida and more
•Effective immune support for colds, flu
•Easy to take, add to water or juice

Discover the power of plant-based medicine

Before we had modern medicine with instant prescription medications, we used the wisdom of native plants to help our bodies heal or recover from infections. As more and more people reportedly suffer from the side-effects of drugs or find themselves allergic to many of its types, plant-based remedies are becoming more and more popular.

What’s more plant-based remedies address the body’s natural ability to potentially remove the cause rather than mask the symptom. Experience the ease and wonder of Lomatium Dissectum (LDM-100), one of nature’s greatest remedies to help the body.

What is Lomatium Dissectum and how was it discovered?

Lomatium dissectum is a member of the parsley family. It was used extensively by Native Americans in the Northwest U.S. and Northern Nevada, where it grows commonly. They used it for colds, flu and upper respiratory infections but many other uses have also been noted.

In 1918, Dr. Ernst Krebs, M.D., who lived in Carson City, Nevada discovered that people of the Washoe nation seemed to be recovering well from an influenza epidemic.

He asked some of the elders about their medicine. They called it “Toh-sa” or “Do-sa” and showed him how to prepare it. Dr. Krebs noticed its biting odor of balsamic resins and called it Balsamea. However, botanists later named it Lomatium Dissectum when they classified it. It is commonly called “biscuit root” as native used the pulp to pound into cakes, sometimes also known as the name, “Indian carrot”.

“Destined to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man”.

–Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Sr., M.D.

LDM-100 and SEES-2000 (Public domain information)

Lomatium dissectum is a member of the parsley family growing in semi-arid climates in the northwest. Its large root has given it the name “biscuit root.” This plant has traditionally been used to fight many infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis.

Today, wildcrafted lomatium is a part of many herbal formulas for relieving common colds and the flu.

Cultivation: Not well understood at present. In the wild Lomatium dissectum grown on rocky slopes, frequently facing south, in semi-arid areas. Probably requires a warm period followed by a cold season and then another warm period.

Actions: Antibacterial, anticoagulant (possible), antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, (Candidia albicans, Clostridium (5 strains), Corynebacterium diptherium, Diplococcus pneumonia, E. coli, Hemophilus influenza, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Neisseria gonorrhea, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, Shigella (3 strains), Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes), antiseptic, antiviral (DNA and RNA viruses), expectorant, immunostimulant, tonic

Indications: Asthma, bacterial infection, bronchitis, candidiasis (douche), chronic fatigue syndrome, common cold, congestion, cough, cuts (topical), cytomegalovirus, distemper, Epstein-Barr virus, gardnerella infections, gastroenteritis, hay fever, herpes simplex, HIV, influenza, leukocytosis, lymphangitis, mononucelosis, pharyngitis (early stages), pneumonia, respiratory tract infection, rheumatism, shigellosis, skin infections (topical), sore throat (gargle), sores (topical), stomatitis (topical), tonsillitis (early stages), urinary tract infection, vaginal infections (douche), viral infections

Chemicals & Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Columbianetin, Columbianin, Coumarin derivatives, Essential Oils, Fatty Acids, Gums, Luteolin, Luvangetin, Protein, Resins, Saponins, Tannins, Vitamin C

NOTE: For mononucelosis, lymphangitis, and leukacytosis combine with Echinacea

Common name: Desert parsley

Parts used and where grown: The root of lomatium is used medicinally. The plant is native to and continues to grow in western North America.

Historical or traditional use: Native Americans of many tribes employed lomatium root to treat a wide variety of infections, particularly those affecting the lungs. Lomatium was used, particularly in the southwestern United States, during the influenza pandemic of 1917 with reportedly good results.

Active constituents: Tetronic acids and a glucoside of luteoling appear to be the main anit-microbial agents in lomatium rood.1 Little is known about how these compounds act or if other ones might be as important. The resin fraction ocasionally causes a whole-body rash in some people. Another set of constituents, known as coumarins, may also contribute to the onset of rash.

Are there any side effects or interactions?

If you are new to LDM-100 or SEES-2000 Plus (Lomatium dissectum) you could develop a one-time detox rash. By some estimates approximately, one person in six can be affected by this (check out this you tube video on this rash.) This rash can cover a small percentage of the body or be full body. It can be itchy, swollen and very uncomfortable and sometimes accompanied by a fever and purple welts.

If you have never used Lomatium we recommend taking Dandelion root either in liquid or capsule form for a few days prior to taking Lomatium and continue taking Dandelion root for the first week of taking Lomatium. This seems to help the body process the detox reaction and in most cases lessen the chances of a rash, the severity of the rash in people who still get it and in some cases – prevent it altogether.

You should always start with a very small dosage when taking Lomatium for the first time. A very small dosage of the liquid Lomatium (LDM-100) would be 3-5 drops in water once a day for the first week for adults. You might consider only increasing by one drop every few days at first to avoid this rash. You can even start with 1-5 drops once a day for the first week. And in capsule form (SEES-2000 Plus) one capsule once a day for the first week is considered a small dosage. It is easier to start with a smaller dosage when Lomatium is in liquid form.


1.Vanwagen BC, Cardellina JH. Native American food and medicinal plants.
2.Antimicrobial tetronic acids from Lomatium dissectum. Tetrahedron 1986;42:1117.
3.Moore M. Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West. Santa Fe: Red Crane Books, 1993, 61-71.

Other Common Names: Carrotleaf Biscuitroot, Chocolate-tips, Cough Root, Fernleaf Biscuitroot, Fernleaf Lomatium, Lepotaenia, Leptotaenia, Lomatium dissectum

Range: Western N. America- southwards from Alberta and British Columbia.

Habitat: Open, often rocky slopes and dry meadows, often on talus Fernleaf biscuitroot was widely employed medicinally by many native North American Indian tribes who considered it to be a universal panacea. They used it especially in treating chest problems and skin complaints. This is an important native American Pacific Northwest anti-viral herb. Works where other anit-virals fall short.

Fresh root (alcoholic) extract is the best mode of administration. Lomatium was used, particularly in the southwestern United States, during the influenza pandemic of 1917 with reportedly good results. Although it is little, if at all, used in modern herbalism. It probably warrants further investigation.

The whole plant, but especially the root, is disinfectant, pectoral, salve, stomachic and tonic.

The dried root was used in the treatment of rheumatism, stomach complaints, coughs, colds, hay fever, bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis. The root was burnt and the smoke inhaled in the treatment of asthma and other chest complaints, it was also used as a herbal steam bath for treating chest complaints. The root was used to make a poultice of the peeled and crushed roots has been applied to open cuts, sores, boils, bruises and rheumatic joints. The root has been soaked in water and then used as an anti-dandruff was for the hair.

An infusion of the leaves and stems has been used as a tonic. The root oil has been applied as a salve to sores and also used as an eye was in the treatment of trachoma.

Root-cooked. Resinous and balsamic. The root can be dried and ground into a powder and then be mixed with cereal flours or added as a flavoring to soups etc. The roots have been boiled to make a refreshing and nutritious drink.

The pulverized root has been burnt as an incense.

Genus Species

Lomatium dissectum, Lomatium dissectum var. dissectum, Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum, Lomatium dissectum var. eatonii, Lomatium dissectum var. occidentalis, Leptoeania dissecta, Leptataenia multifida, Leptotaenia purpurea, Leptotaenia eatonii, Leptotaenia foliosa sert Parsnip, Indian Parsnip, Leptotaenia dissecta, Tohza, Toza, Wild Carrot.

Location: Alberta, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Synonyms: Biscuit Root, Desert Parsley, Desert Parsnip, Fern-Leafed Lomatium, Ferula dissoluta, Indian Desert Parsnip, Indian Parsnip, Leptotaenia dissecta, Tohza, Toza, Wild Carrot

NOTE: Product manufactured by Barlow Herbal. The information above comes from their website.

Why choose Lomatium Dissectum?

Lomatium Dissectum works with the body As you can see, the pure root extract of Lomatium Dissectum is multi-faceted support for the body and can be a good choice and addition to your first aid supplies.

How do I use LDM-100?

LDM-100* can be taken undiluted or diluted in a small amount of water or juice. (Juice is nice for small children or taste sensitive adults.)

LDM-100* is our most popular formula. Now available for the first time in 2 oz., 4 oz., 8 oz. and 16 oz. bottles

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

How does it work?

Research shows that the plant has a “viro-static effect”, which means that it halts the growth of all viruses and bacteria. That let’s the body’s own natural immune system get rid of harmful or deadly micro-organizms without damaging the ones necessary for maintaining good health and restoring the immune system.

What else does the research show?

Five universities have done extensive research on Lomatium Dissectum.

By 1944, the Journal of Bacteriology reported: “The anti-biotic activity of oil factions separated from the root of Lomatium Dissectum was determined on 62 strains and species of bacteria, molds, and fungi. The heat-stable active agent was bactericidal for gram-positive bacteria at 10-4 dilutions and at 10-3 for gram-negative bacteria.” (Journal of Bacteriology, Vol. 55 No. 5 May 1994)

Just about the time this information was released, sulfa drugs were proving to work miracles so interest in plant-based medicines waned in favor of modern prescription medicine.

How much should be taken?

Below are suggestions for your education and information. Check with your doctor if you have any concerns using herbs along with your medications. We can not provide information to that effect.

Typically 3 to 5 drops sublingually 4 to 8 times a day for 10 to 14 days or as desired. Since LDM-100 is viro-static, the dosage depends upon the strength (or weakness) of the body’s natural immune system. LDM-100 is completely natural and non-toxic; therefore, the dosage may be safely increased until it takes effect.

For normal use: 1/3 of a dropper taken orally or mixed in water or juice, two or three times a day will support the immune system to combat respiratory involvements as well as flu and colds. The same amount gargled (and swallowed) will help the throat almost immediately.

For topical use: A drop or two should be applied topically for infected sores three to four times a day.

For Candida Albicans (orally): Lomatium Dissectum also helps the immune system against molds and fungi. As a result, many herbal users are seeing great results in fighting Candida Albicans with this extract (when taken orally).For Candida Albicans (as a douche)

For Athlete’s Foot: A drop between the toes will eradicate athlete’s foot. For Viruses: Mix the drops with water or juice and take orally.

For First Aid: This product is a must for every household first-aid kit, both at home and during travel.

Remember all natural products support your body’s innate ability to heal itself. So the amount you take depends on your choices.

Adults: 3 to 10 drops, 3 to 5 times daily, or more. It is suggested to begin with a low dosage and frequency and gradually increase. (See Above) Keep dosage low for the first 7 days and then increase as needed.

Children: 3 to 4 drops, 4 to 6 times daily. Also recommended to gradually increase quantity and frequency. 1 to 2 drops for babies added to water.

What happens if I have an allergic reaction?

LDM-100 may be mixed with water or juice. It should be noted that about one in six people are allergic to an oil faction found in Lomatium Dissectum and may experience a rash when taking this herb, as is possible from contact with any plant. The rash ranges from mild to full body and can be itchy and uncomfortable.

Reported possible support: Such a reaction can be quickly overcome by taking Vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid, or any of the antihistamines and one should discontinue use of LDM-100 temporarily.

Worried about allergic reaction to LDM? Try Munity Boost!

The formulas of Dr. Max Barlow have been around for 40 years and lovingly carried on by his children since his passing more than 13 years ago.

Our most popular formula is an unbeatable extract of Lomatium dissectum, also known as LDM-100. In some people this formula can cause a one-time detox rash that is itchy, uncomfortable, unsightly and to say the least a little bit scary. This can detract from all the good that Lomatium can bring and make it hard to recommend it to others.

Over the years a lot of thought has gone into helping those who get the Lomatium rash get over it as quickly as possible. We have also been of the mindset that it would be wonderful to prevent it ~ if at all possible….and still maintain the wonderful benefits of LDM-100.


Munity Boost is a special combination of Lomatium Dissectum, Dandelion root, Red root, Black Walnut hulls, Sarsaparilla, Blue Vervain and St. John’s Wort appears to be a start in the right direction to prevent rashes.

Each herb was chosen for it’s ability to work hand in hand with the other herbs and their medicinal properties to prevent the allergic Lomatium rash. Together these herbs act as mainly an anti-viral. Other bodily influences: anti-inflammatory, expectorant, blood purifier, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-depressant, anti-parasitic, sore throats coughs and fever. And best of all ~ in the last year of testing on people who have never used a Lomatium dissectum product ~ no rash.

We cannot guarantee 100% prevention of the Lomatium rash but we feel very confident in the ability of “MunityBoost” to do it’s job.

Safe for children and highly recommended as a preventative during cold and flu season and times of travel for everyone.

Munity Boost 2 oz  $31.99


How can I order LDM-100?

You can order online by clicking on the links below.

*To all our visitors: Thank you for coming to explore our web site, www.chooseCRA.com. We truly appreciate your presence here. You and your health are a vital concern to us. We sincerely hope the information we share, the services we offer and the products we sell help you to manifest your dreams as a spiritual being and that it helps contribute to your physical health, well-being and prosperity.

Please be aware none of the these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products and this information are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is simply the 1st Amendment in action and is presented for information and research purposes only. We are sharing information we believe in and feel it is not commonly found in mainstream media. We’d also like to remind you, if you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own discretion and risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. By receiving this information, you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible for your own health and well being and to hold harmless Alternative Choices Healing Center, its owners, assigns or heirs from any lawsuits and litigations for any reason.

We do not recommend using any ideas found here without first consulting a medical professional or a qualified health care provider with recognized degrees and appropriate licenses.


NOW in 5 sizes PLUS now in capsules!!

A safe, natural alternative to antibiotics.

1 oz. – Regular Price:


2 oz. – Regular Price:


4 oz. – Regular Price:


8 oz. – Regular Price:


16 oz. – Regular Price:


SEES 2000 Plus Capsules containing Lomatium Dissectum

100 Caps


One thought on “LDM-100

  1. Why advertise ldm-100 if its not available in 16 oz or 8 oz? that’s false advertising

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