The Most Powerful Thyroid Nascent Iodine Product Available!

Thyroid Nascent Iodine helps the body stimulate the thyroid to do it’s job rather than replacing thyroid function as some synthetic medications do. Over 90% of the population is deficient in this important mineral that regulates many, many metabolic functions. Thyroid Nascent Iodine is safe and efficient in helping the body restore deficiencies.
Get balanced support for
• Over Active Thyroids
• Under Active Thyroids
• Goiters
Discover how Thyroid Nascent Iodine Aids the body to
• Regulate metabolism
• Increase energy
• Strengthen thyroid gland
• Build the Immune System
• Stimulate the production of T3 and T4
• And Much, Much More!
Learn how it acts as a safe
• Anti-Viral
• Anti-Bacterial
• Anti-Fungal
Because Thyroid Nascent Iodine is all natural, it works without the detrimental side-effects of medicinal antibiotics that can destroy important, life-sustaining intestinal flora.
The essential building blocks to health are:
• Clean water
• Natural salt that contains trace minerals
• Soda
• Iodine
From these four building blocks iodine seems to be the least understood and most neglected. Nascent Iodine is extremely important for absorbability into the body’s system. Its main function is to provide the required element for the thyroid gland, which is the center of the immune system in the human body. The thyroid gland impacts all of the glands in the body, which regulates all the other systems directly. When the thyroid is operating properly, the RESOLVE is restored and VITALITY returns.

Many long standing health conditions may vastly improve or completely reverse when iodine is properly supplied to the body.
Can an iodine deficiency lead to disease?
Jorge D. Flechas, M.D., M.P.H., is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, NC, specializing in hormonal therapy for treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) since the late 1980s.
He also specializes in Iodine Therapy for Hypothyroidism and Fibrocystic Breast Disease. Dr. Flechas was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, majored in Physics at Southern Missionary College in Tennessee, and achieved his Doctorate in Medicine in 1977 and Masters in Public Health in 1979 from Loma Linda University in California.
He is licensed to practice in North Carolina. He has his Boards in Family Practice by the American Board of Family Practice, and is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American College of Nutrition.
Dr. Flechas is a nationally known speaker on the diagnosis and successful treatment of Fibromyalgia, one of the 10 most frequently misdiagnosed syndromes in North America today. Dr. Flechas is considered to have broken a paradigm in effectively treating Fibromyalgia pain without the use of anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, or narcotic medications.
Watch the video below and hear how Dr. Flechas discusses how iodine insufficiency is associated with a higher risk for developing cancer. Estrogen can inhibit the absorption of iodine at the cellular level. Insufficiency of iodine in the body is a known precursor for development of cancer. Dr. Flechas spoke on Iodine Insufficiency and and its relationship to cancer at the 16th annual A4M conference in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2009. (About 8 minutes.)

When you give your body what it needs, you can see results!
Thyroid Nascent Iodine is so important for people. Over 90% to 95% of the population is deficient in this important mineral that regulates many, many metabolic functions. It’s safe and efficient to take and will help restore deficiencies as you’ll hear in this audio interview.
Please listen to a radio interview Radio Interview by Adam Abraham with Dr. Mark Sircus about Iodine
Note: Thyroid Nascent Iodine is a scientific term for iodine where the iodine molecule has the diatomic bond broken and has a high amount of electromagnetic energy associated with it. This will help the thyroid’s efficiency reminding it how to do its job.
How is Thyroid Nascent Iodine different from other iodine?
A True Nascent Iodine cannot be made from a Glycerine or Water Base. Why? Because the diatomic bond cannot be broken in Glycerine or Water. Thyroid Nascent Iodine may be helpful for the body in boosting the auto-immune response…especially given the recent events surrounding the advent with the swine flu and it’s possible implications.
Note: The thyroid has a lot to do with the immune system and when it’s stimulated with the Thyroid Nascent Iodine, the immune system has an excellent chance to work better. It’s also very good at killing foreign matter in the body by itself, for example viruses bacteria, mold, and fungus.
In a class by itself
Thyroid Nascent Iodine is totally different from the typical iodine in its denser state sold as an antiseptic, or as iodine tri-chloride (claiming to be atomized), or as added to potassium iodine to make it safer(such as in the Pill form).
It is also unlike glandular or prescriptions containing hormones that take over the thyroid’s job, instead of nutritionally building the thyroid to do its own job. Seaweed, seafood, greens, raw sunflower seeds are good sources of iodine, but may not have the levels necessary to support the thyroid fully for good homeostasis in the body.
Iodine sources from seaweed may contain certain levels of arsenic. Thyroid Nascent Iodine is considered nascent iodine, which is safe so it encourages the thyroid to do it’s job rather than replacing thyroid function.

Is iodine recommended by medical doctors?

“Iodine has many positive therapeutic actions. It is a potent anti-infective agent. No virus, bacteria or parasite has been shown to be resistant to iodine therapy.”
“After testing over 500 patients, I found that 94.7% of my patients are deficient in inorganic iodine.”

–Dr. David Brownstein, in his book Overcoming Thyroid Disorders provides information on safe and effective natural therapies to help the body heal itself.
This is an incredible statement but one that can easily be backed by hardcore medical science. It is the reason hospitals use iodine by the gallon and in reality the only reason hospitals are not like ground zero sites contaminated in an infectious sense is because of iodine’s broad spectrum anti-infective power.
Few are the doctors who have realized that Thyroid Nascent Iodine can be taken internally in moderate quantities . That means it will have the same effect internally as it does on external surfaces of the body.
When we look at the fact that the entire focus of vaccines is anti-viral, that bacterial infections are becoming more threatening and more antibiotic resistant, that cancer is always accompanied by and or is a fungal yeast infection, we can begin to realize how iodine can again become a doctor’s best friend. Oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini in Rome already uses it for skin and breast cancer. His results are astounding!
See even better results by adding Prehistoric Magnesium Oil along with Thyroid Nascent Iodine!
A majority of people also have a huge magnesium deficiency which is related to many major diseases. Magnesium Oil works to eliminate deficiencies in as little as four weeks, compared to supplements which can take five years. Dr. Mark Sircus explains in this video. (Under 5 minutes.)
Get better overall health AND use both products!

How do I know if I have an underactive thyroid?

If your thyroid is underactive, you are not alone. Of all the problems that can undermine health, none is more common (or more likely to be overlooked) than an underactive thyroid gland. And, unfortunately, if your thyroid doesn’t work right, the rest of your body doesn’t, either.
The incredibly broad range of symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland emits makes it really hard for even a physician to diagnose without a proper lab test. Often lab results do not help either.
There are many people that suffer from hypothyroidism, the medical term for the condition, that do not have lab results out of the norm. They may have a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level that falls in the normal range, but still suffer from an underactive gland. An underactive thyroid can certainly lead to other health problems and to our efforts to achieve a maximum life span. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy can safely, effectively and inexpensively treat your condition.

Is there an at-home test to see if you have an underactive thyroid?

A simple 10-minute test performed at home can indicate if you are suffering from a subclinical thyroid condition. It will measure your Basal Metabolic Temperature, known as BMT. Provided you have no infections or other conditions that may affect the test, here’s how you can check:
1. Before going to sleep, shake a thermometer and place it within reach of your bed. (Shaking it in the morning, when you awake, will raise your temperature and affect the test.)
2. Make sure it is a Basal Thermometer (more acurate thermometer), not a digital instrument.
3. When you awake, place the thermometer under your armpit; leave it there for 10 minutes. Lie as still as possible. Do not get up or move around, as this would also raise your temperature.
4. After 10 minutes, record your temperature. Do this for at least three days. If your temperature consistently falls below 97.8 degrees, you likely have an underactive thyroid. A normal BMT reading will be between 97.8 degrees and 98.2 degrees.
If your self-test indicates a low thyroid, it is time to go see a good physician.
How important is the thyroid gland’s function to my health?
The hormone produced by the thyroid gland travels to each cell of your body and establishes the rate of that cell’s metabolism.
In other words, the thyroid tells the cell how fast to work.
• If you produce too little of the hormone, your cells get sluggish.
• If the cell is a nerve cell, your thinking may slow down or depression may set in.
• If the cell is a muscle cell, your strength declines.
• If the cell is an intestinal cell, your digestion may be affected.
• The immune system can’t do its job because it is especially vulnerable to low thyroid performance.
• White blood cell production may slow down and cells that fight infections may lose their aggressiveness.
If you feel you have a compromised thyroid, see your doctor. They will order a test that measures your level of TSH and a test for your antithyroid antibody, which will determine if your immune system is trying to fight your thyroid. If this test falls out of the norm and there are symptoms that indicate to them that you might have hypothyroid, it will more than likely confirm the diagnosis.

What are some of the benefits of Thyroid Nascent Iodine?

Here are some of the benefits for the body:
• Supports normal balanced Thyroid Function (Hyperthyroidism – Hypothyroidism)
• Helps Reduce Goiters
• Can prevent Thyroid Diseases
• Provides T3 and T4 stimulation and support
• Helps to burn off excess fat
• Fights off Anti-Viral Diseases
• Can help eliminate Anti-Bacterial Diseases
• Helps get rid of Anti-Fungal Diseases
• Safely eradicates Parasites
• Prevents Gastro Intestinal and Urinary Disorders
• Effectively treats Malaria Fever
• Stops various infectious diseases internal and external
• Assists in Arthritis and Joint Diseases
• Helps vanquish skin diseases
• Speeds healing of Burns, Abrasions, Cuts
• Counteracts the effects of Mouth Diseases
• Helps eradicate Body Organ Diseases
• and Many More Benefits…

Is Thyroid Nascent Iodine pure and safe?

The chemical purity of the iodine in our Iodine is greater than or equal to 99.8% pure. We are more concerned about the purity than the actual source.
Other types of iodine from seaweed may possibly contain impurities found in the ocean such as arsenic, bromine in quantities that are not desirable or healthy.
Nascent Iodine is more potent in its action because of its formulation, and because the toxicity has been removed so it is safe.

How much is safe to take?

Suggested Use
One drop = 400 mcg. of the 2% Thyroid Nascent Iodine
Take it orally…
1. Take it orally for the first day, increasing 1 drop each day for 5 days. (So for instance, use one drop a day on Monday. Then increase by one drop every day until Friday.)
2. Take 2 days off and then repeat another five days. (Take off Saturday and Sunday. Repeat the procedure.)
3. Follow this routine for three weeks.
4. The fourth week start at five drops per day and slowly work your way up as long as there is no discomfort. Most people stabilize and maintain somewhere between 8 to 10 drops daily. Some may need up to 12-15 drops.
Recommended: Take at 8 am to 12 noon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, medications and/or supplements.
NOTE: If you begin to feel low energy, brain fog or headaches, cut back on your daily amount. Once you have gotten your Iodine levels up, you may be able to cut back, and it’s okay to skip a day once in awhile.
Or, apply it topically
1. Apply it topically for the first day, increasing 1 drop each day for 5 days. (So for instance, use one drop a day on Monday. Then increase by one drop every day until Friday.)
2. Take 2 days off and then repeat another five days. (Take off Saturday and Sunday. Repeat the procedure.)
3. Follow this routine for three weeks.
4. The fourth week start at five drops daily and slowly work your way up as long as there is no discomfort. Most people stabilize and maintain somewhere between 8 to 10 drops daily. Some may need up to 12-15 drops.
If you begin to feel low energy, brain fog or headaches, cut back on your daily amount. Once you have gotten your Iodine levels up, you may be able to cut back, and it’s okay to skip a day once in awhile.
Note: Using it after 4 PM could raise your energy levels and keep you awake at night.
A 1 oz. Bottle of Thyroid Nascent Iodine lasts approximately 2 months.
Final Note: Good Health is built from a chain of nutrients and, like a chain, good health cannot be accomplished if one nutrient is missing. We suggest always taking a good Mult-Vitamin and Mineral supplement. Plus, taking it or using it with Prehistoric Magnesium Oil can give a real boost to your health.

Do you have any customer testimonials?

I highly recommend Thyoid Nascent Iodine. I have used this product for about 4 years and it has helped my over-all health. I love this product.
–Marv Bateman, Buffalo Bills – NFL All Pro – 76′
Excellent service and most outstanding products that deliver as promised.
After using the your iodine, I noticed a big difference in my energy levels. I also noticed a lot of the brain fog disappeared. I have been telling everyone I meet that has hypothyroidism about this product. I felt I had been in a dark tunnel and now I’m able to see the light.
–April E
I am taking the Thyroid nascent iodine and I feel better than I have in years. I’ve only been taking the solution for a little over a month but almost from the 1st day started to have more energy to live my life. Thank you and I’m telling my friends too
–Catherine L Harner
I am very impressed by the product and the help I received when asking about this product prior to purchasing it! I am now using it for my thyroid condition and am happy with it more than I have ever been happy with Synthroid…..Thank you for being out there for me!!
–Mary Linda Steffey
The iodine is really working. My temperature stayed at 94-95 degrees, sometimes as low as 93 .5 degrees. After taking a bottle of the iodine, it stays at 98 degrees. My energy level is much better. In the beginning, I took about 12-15 drops, now about 10-12. Thanks, Jeannette Hi, can you recommend something for age spots?…I’ve been taking the iodine – LOVE IT!! I’m operating on partial thyroid and this is the best thing i’ve ever used…the only thing that’s ever worked!
–Thanks, Allyson
Great and the people are very nice. I got my things right away, they are very nice on the phone & really seem to care. I am staying with this company for the rest of my iodine needs. On that note, the thyroid nascent iodine has changed my life. I am no longer taking medicine for thyroids and it’s 2 weeks in. I lost already so many symptoms and feel so much better; first time in a year and a half. Thank you.
–Sherri Hoylman

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