Monthly Archives: May 2000


After Cancer Treatment

As a person who is currently receiving chemotherapy, I feel very fortunate to have discovered BIOFILAM. I started taking heavy duty cancer treatment on February 1st of this year. After my second treatment on February 22nd, clusters of my hair fell out daily until, about two weeks later, my scalp felt smooth as an egg shell. During this time I was afraid that a strong wind could have blown all my hair away!

On or about February 17th I started taking between 12-18 capsules of BIOFILAM every day. Around the beginning of April, my scalp felt like a day’s growth on an unshaved beard. Yesterday, a friend observed that my hair is slowly growing despite the medication. Most importantly, my energy has returned and I feel that I’m getting better all the time. I trust in God to answer my prayers for a full and complete recovery.

Barbara R. Winer Tarzana, CA May 6, 2000