HonoPure® is made from honokiol, the extract of the bark of the Magnolia tree. This substance has been used successfully in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for thousands of years. It has many multi-faceted health benefits.
In fact, it’s so powerful some researchers have called it the “swiss army knife” of plants because it can assist the body in rebalancing its health in so many different ways. Research shows honokiol promotes cellular health and emotional well-being. It’s also a potent antioxidant and can support healthy immune function.
It is this incredible versatility and the lack of side effects that inspired the founder of Econugenics, Dr. Isaac Eliaz to seek the highest quality Honokiol available, and develop HonoPure®. HonoPure® is made with 98% pure Honokiol, extracted from the bark of Magnolia trees. Whether you’re looking for dramatic results quickly or want long-term health maintenance, HonoPure® can help.
What kind of research has been done on the Honokiol in HonoPure®?
Honokiol is the powerful active ingredient in Magnolia bark and it is capturing the attention of researchers and medical professionals world wide due to its incredibly versatile, potent, and non-toxic health benefiting properties. Particularly with its ability to protect and promote cellular health.
A study from Emory University School of Medicine in 2003 found that honokiol was able to inhibit abnormal cell growth in mice. Research continues to reveal its multiple benefits for cellular health, especially in regards to breast health. Honokiol has also been shown to help relieve occasional anxiety or depression and support a healthy, positive mood.
It’s also a potent antioxidant, with studies showing it to be 1,000 times more powerful than vitamin E. In addition, Honokiol has been shown to promote healthy responses to inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and offer protection for the brain and nervous system.
Honokiol demonstrates powerful synergistic action with a number of botanicals, nutrients and pharmaceutical agents to enhance cellular health benefits and offer overall support. It is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream so it can quickly and easily reach targeted areas of the body for maximum benefit.
What can the Honokiol extract used in HonoPure® be used for?
Honokiol (pronounced Ha-no-kee-ohl) has been extensively researched for safely promoting cellular health. Results show that this powerful dietary supplement provides active support as well as long term maintenance for breast, prostate, lung, colon, blood and other areas of cellular health. HonoPure® promotes healthy cell growth and function through multiple means of action, safely and effectively.
Years of research show the Honokiol you get in HonoPure® promotes cellular health in many important areas, including breast, prostate, lung, colon, blood and more, without the risk of side effects.
Dr. Isaac Eliaz, M.D., M.S., L.Ac. – a pioneer and expert in the field of integrative medicine, and a highly regarded clinical practitioner, formulator, researcher and author is the founder of Econugenics (distributor of HonoPure). In this video he talks about Honokiol’s properties as a cancer treatment an adjunct to other treatments. (8 minutes, 17 seconds.)
Because Honokiol is such a potent antioxidant, it’s 1,000 times more effective than vitamin E at stopping fat cells in your arteries from breaking down and becoming rancid. This process, called lipid peroxidation, is one of the first signs of heart concerns.
Research suggests that honokiol can promote cardiovascular health in addition to supporting emotional well-being and a sense of calmness.
In short, the main uses for HonoPure® are to:
• Promote Cellular Health
• Promote Healthy Cell Growth
• Support Healthy Mood
• Increase Antioxidant Activity
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How does HonoPure® help with emotions?
On top of its powerful cellular health benefits, Honokiol has been to shown to support emotional and immune health, as well as increase antioxidant activity, providing a safe, all natural health tool for a number of our most important health challenges.
Research suggests that honokiol can also promote cardiovascular health in addition to supporting emotional well-being and a sense of calmness.
Pure Honokiol is a potent antioxidant with a free radical scavenging ability 1,000 times greater than vitamin E. It also provides natural calming effects to promote gentle relaxation and support a healthy mood.
How do I know if I’m getting the highest quality and purity?
Since not all honokiol is the same, Dr. Eliaz looked far and wide for the purest source. That’s how he found HonoPure®-the best, highest quality Honokiol available. While most Honokiol products are comprised of only 50% Honokiol, HonoPure® contains more than 98% honokiol, making it the only honokiol product on the market that even comes close to this level of purity and quality.
Because honokiol is such a potent antioxidant, it’s 1,000 times more effective than vitamin E at stopping fat cells in your arteries from breaking down and becoming rancid. This process, called lipid peroxidation, is one of the first signs of heart concerns.
Is HonoPure® safe to use?
The safety, efficacy and versatility of this unique extract are what inspired Dr. Isaac Eliaz to seek the highest quality and purity Honokiol to go into HonoPure®. HonoPure® contains 98% purified Honokiol and stands alone as the only Honokiol product available with this level of purity and quality.
HonoPure® is allergen-free and contains no preservatives. It gives you the maximum benefits of this powerful and versatile extract without unpleasant side effects.
HonoPure® is manufactured following strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines, as outlined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It’s also stringently tested, and its quality, potency and purity are guaranteed.
Can I use HonoPure® with other therapies?
HonoPure® offers comprehensive cellular health support, and a wide range of additional benefits, including support for immune and emotional health. HonoPure® is safe for use with other therapies and can be used with additional cellular health agents for increased effectiveness.
HonoPure® is recommended by leading health authorities and complements both conventional and integrative therapies for active support and long-term protection.
How long does it take before HonoPure® works?
HonoPure® is easily absorbed into the blood stream, so it can reach targeted areas of the body quickly. Whether you seek powerful active cellular health support, or long term maintenance and protection, HonoPure® is a safe, effective, all natural health solution.
How much HonoPure® should I use?
When it comes to dosages for different conditions, many are still being determined. This is especially true when considering there has never been a product like HonoPure® with such a consistent, high percentage of honokiol. And much of the research is relatively new. The recommended dosages here are based on the available studies and recent clinical work. It is best to consult with a health care professional for your own situation. Here are some basic guidelines.
• Active cancer, therapeutic level: 1 gram, 3x/day, with food.
• Long-term maintenance: 500 mg, 2x/day (total of 1 gram/day), with food.
• Prevention: Start with 500 mg 2x/day, and after one month the dosage can be dropped to 500 mg 1x/day, or 250 mg 2x/day.
Each bottle of HonoPure® contains 120 capsules with 250 mg in each capsule, a total of 30 grams per bottle.
Regular $ 102.95  sale for a short time:  $84.99
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