Discover how powerful this “first aid from the Earth” can be used.
Found only in Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming at 8,600 feet (and no where else known on Earth), Pascalite is an all-natural product and an inexpensive clay.

This substance best classified as a calcium bentonite/montmorillonite of the non-swelling type. It has been used for centuries by Native Americans and many pioneers for a variety of health reasons.

In what ways can Pascalite be used?

Here are just a few of the ways it can be used as a therapeutic to improve health and reduce pain. It is for external use only.
• On any kind of burns to lessen or eliminate pain and blistering
• For your face as a facial pack to remove dead skin and leave it softer
• As a deodorant to absorb underarm odor
• As an agent to reduce or eliminate infections externally on skin
• In place of toothpaste for oral hygiene
• For spider bites and bee stings as a paste to absorb the venom and reduce recovery time
• For all kinds of skin irritations and allergies like: cystic acne, rashes or other skin problems
• As a poultice for wounds and external infections for humans and animals

A quote about clay…
“It is not possible to foresee exactly what will happen with clay applications, especially at first, but in every case, there is a remarkable improvement, if not complete healing. As there are no dangers to fear (from using clay) there is no reason to oppose giving it a try.”
–From the book Our Earth, Our Cure by Raymond Dextreit, French naturopath

How was Pascalite discovered?

Before the coming of Europeans to America, Native Americans from such tribes as the Crow, Arapahoe, Shoshone, Blackfoot and Sioux were aware of a strange white clay to which they attributed healing power, calling it “Ee-Wah-Kee” — The Mud That Heals.

The story of Ee-Wah-Kee is fascinating. An old newspaper story describes an event that occurred during the final buffalo hunt of the noted Shoshone Chief, Washakie, about 1888. A white newspaperman accompanied the Shoshones on this hunt, and fell ill. Washakie’s medicine man chanted incantations, rubbed the sick man with herbs, and made him drink some water in which a whitish clay was dissolved.
The reporter drank the mixture, slept for several hours, and awoke feeling completely well. Testimonies of the clay’s mysterious usefulness for a wide variety of uses have spread widely since then.
The clay is now called Pascalite after a French-Canadian trapper and prospector, Emile Pascal, who first began mining it. Pascal, trapping in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming about 1930, found his badly chapped hands healed quickly when plastered with the powder now named after him. He also tried it on his face for snowburn, and was amazed at the result. He then filed a mining claim and began telling people about the white mud.

How has clay been used throughout history?

Clay has been used for thousands of years around the world. Here are just a few of its highlights.
• Clay has been used world wide for thousands of years and is gaining popularity daily.
• Ancient Egyptians used clays for mummification purposes because of clay’s purifying powers.
• Pedanius Dioscorides, a pharmacologist, botanist and physician in the Roman emperor Nero’s army, attributed an “extraordinary strength” to the vital properties of clay.
• The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder devoted an entire chapter of his Natural History to clay.
• Different cultures have been eating clay regularly for centuries.
• Scientists world wide are working with various types of clays, excited by their healing potential.

When using this product you will find that it is a non-swelling clay, meaning that it settles to the bottom of the water in the bowl or the glass without swelling.

When you make a bit for the facial, mix it to the consistency of yogurt, and this is a good way to mix for other topical applications. It dries completely and really pulls a lot of blood to the surface of the skin (when used as a facial you will want to do this in the evening). The skin looks flushed and the next day the skin is super soft. I really love the effects of it used this way. We have also used it on a deep gash on a horse’s face (who was kicked by another horse, down to the bone). The gash healed without issue and you could not even tell there had ever been a wound…the clay was changed daily until healed. Truly a blessing! Too bad we did not take pictures!

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