Made with real citrus pectin, Pecta-Sol® can help you restore your immune balance and health
Almost anyone can benefit from taking PectaSol®. It is designed for many general health concerns.* If you who want help to:
• enhance your immune system function, especially if you have a chronic disease
• maintain your optimal health by removing toxic and radioactive metals in your body
• slow down the doubling time of your PSA (male prostate) levels when cancer is present
• help prevent aberrant cells from adhering to your critical organs and tissues like the prostate, breast, colon, lymphatic system, skin, brain and larynx
• promote normal cholesterol levels
• take a supplement that has been successfully clinically tested
• have a supplement that actively searches for aberrant cells in your body
• shown to reduce your total body burden of toxicity from Mercury by up to 70% in six months when consuming 15 grams of PectaSol per day
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please contact your physician or health care practitioner.
Can you tell me how Pecta-Sol is designed to work?
PectaSol® Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is designed to enhance immune function and maintain optimal health.* PectaSol® MCP has been clinically demonstrated to slow PSA doubling time in prostate cells.*
It is known to promote normal cell growth by interfering with the binding properties of galectin proteins by preventing them from adhering to each other and the inner wall of blood vessels.*
PectaSol® MCP is a complex polysaccharide (long-chain carbohydrate) obtained from the peel and pulp of citrus fruits and valued for its galactosyl component.
It is modified to produce a shorter chain, low esterification pectin molecule which is more easily abosrbed into the bloodstream. The unique galactosyl component of PectaSol® MCP has an affinity for the binding galectin-3 sites (also known as aberrant cells), limiting the binding of certain cells to each other or blood vessels.*
Citrus pectin is also recognized for its ability to promote cardiovascular health*.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please contact your physician or health care practitioner.
What kind of research has been done on Pecta Sol?
Below are links to new and important research conducted by top researchers at Columbia University and published in 2010 (online) by Integrative Cancer Therapies Journal.
Columbia University PectaSol-C study
And here is the abstract from PubMed
More research will be posted as available.
Are there any books I can read on these topics?
Yes, I would highly recommend you read one or both of these books. Both are available at

Modified Citrus Pectin – A Super Nutraceutical
By Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D.
An excellent booklet on Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) for the health consumer. In this short and easy to read booklet you learn how MCP: *
• Protects Against Prostate and Other Cancers
• Prevents Cancer Progression
• Prevents Heart Disease
• Removes Heavy Metal Toxicity
• Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease

A Primer on Prostate Cancer: The Empowered Patient’s Guide
By Stephen Strum MD, Donna Pogliano
A Primer on Prostate Cancer is a thorough and comprehensive work designed to provide essential information for the recently diagnosed prostate cancer patient and their loved ones.
The book is written in lay person friendly language, but quickly moves the reader into the depths of the technical details of prostate cancer, diagnosis, progression of the disease, and standard medical treatment. This is an excellent reference on our current understanding of the disease and standard (not alternative) medical treatment.
The only short-coming of the book is the lack of suggestions for alternative and complementary medicine treatment (although a couple alternative books are referred to.) The book is well-indexed, formatted, and referenced. The authors made use of 4 color fonts to highlight specific information throughout the book, making information easy to relocate.

How does PectaSol® compare to other modified citrus pectins?
PectaSol® Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)is produced by a patented manufacturing process. That means it helps the body:
• Create a shorter molecular chain of low esterification–this allows better absorption and utilization of the crucial polysaccharide compounds of MCP.
• Outwork ordinary citrus pectin because it is NOT AS bioavailable and effective in the bloodstream because of its long molecular chain.
• Demonstrate the ability to chelate heavy metals and environmental toxins in clinical tests
• Be a gentle, yet effective, chelating agent that is able to help detoxify your body of heavy metals such as Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Arsenic without depleting the body of essential minerals.
Only PectaSol® Modified Citrus Pectin is manufactured at the optimal molecular weight, pH, and methoxy content as specified in the published clinical research. Low methoxy content increases the number of galactosyl binding sites,* thus enhancing the intensity of PectaSol’s® immune supporting benefits.*
To assure you of the highest quality and most efficacious product, PectaSol® is the only brand of modified citrus pectin that has been successfully clinically tested.

How much should I take?
As a dietary supplement
Capsules Take 6 capsules 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.
Powder Take 5gms (1 scoop), 3 times daily added to water, juices, blended drinks or foods, or as directed by your health professional.
Package Sizes
You can choose from two sizes of 800 mg capsules or from two sizes of the powdered product.


• 90 capsules /800 mg Regular $39.95  sale  $26.50
• 270 capsules /800 mg Regular $82.95  sale $57.50


• 150 grams (30 servings) Regular $49.95 sale  $37.50
• 454 grams (90 servings) Regular $113.95 sale $85.50

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please contact your physician or health care practitioner.

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