Stopped losing hair

For the past five years I have worked in the computer industry. I noticed I was losing my hair all over my head. My energy level was not very good. I started to take BIOFILAM, three capsules per day, about one year ago.

I immediately noticed I had a great deal more energy and felt better in general. After about one month, I noticed my hair stopped falling out when I combed it in the morning. I also noticed that the structure of my hair felt stronger and the color was richer-looking. 

My wife at the same time also began taking BIOFILAM, about one capsule per day. She noticed a big increase in her energy level and sense of well-being as well. She noticed her nails became stronger. I highly recommend this product for everyone who works in front of a computer and for general health for everyone. 

Mr. and Mrs. S. McGrath, San Carlos, CA