PectaClear® fights illness, balances and cleanses the body from toxic metals
This clinically-proven breakthrough delivers safe, gentle defense against toxic heavy metals. Dental fillings. Flu vaccines. The fish on your dinner plate. Our air and water. What do these everyday things have in common? All of them can expose you to dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals, at a very steep cost to your health.
The threat is real: With environmental exposure to heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and lead emerging as one potential cause behind an ever-growing number of global health epidemics, the need for a safe, gentle solution for chelation becomes more urgent by the day. For years, renowned integrative practitioner Dr. Isaac Eliaz has dedicated his research to finding an effective way to remove heavy metals from the body, and to boost overall health dramatically. PectaClear®, a powerful blend of modified citrus pectin (MCP) and modified alginates is the fruit of this labor.
What toxins can PectaClear® remove?
Unlike chemical chelating agents that leech essential minerals from your body, PectaClear has been clinically proven to systemically remove lead, mercury, arsenic, and other toxins from the human body without affecting crucial levels of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, or zinc. The addition of seaweed-derived alginates, which work to inhibit re-absorption of toxins in the digestive tract, makes PectaClear® an ideal natural solution for successful long-term chelation with significant clinical benefit as supported by peer reviewed research.
Recent clinical trials reveal that this cutting-edge compound removes an average of 74 percent of dangerous heavy metals lurking in our bodies;toxins that accumulate in our bodies from constant exposure in our industrialized world. The secret to this powerful ability lies in PectaClear® uniquely selective, high affinity binding.
This patented pair of naturally-occurring polyuronides boasts a distinctive molecular structure: Their negatively charged chains stack in groups to create suction pockets that act like powerful magnets. The molecular side groups have a selective ability to bind these toxins while not affecting your essential minerals.
Over time this creates a gradient which causes positively charged heavy metal ions to be loosened from your soft tissues and be pulled into the egg box pockets, which effectively trap and remove toxic metal ions from the body in a safe and gentle manner-inhibiting reabsorption in the digestive tract, and maintaining levels of crucial minerals such as zinc and calcium.
PectaClear® is a true innovation in safe, natural heavy metal removal-one that won’t harm your health or your wallet. Clinical studies show that this powerful nutraceutical is safe for use with children, for long term everyday use and can help maintain and restore health without a single side-effect.
How does PectaClear® compare to intravenous chelation methods?
• They’re costly: I.V. chelation therapy can cost from $100 to $300 per treatment, sometimes requiring dozens of treatments, and running in the thousands of dollars. On top of that, many patients often need follow-up treatments every year – costing an additional $1,000 to $3,000 each year!
• They’re time-consuming: One course of treatment can last 3 hours or more. And many patients report feeling fatigue and exhaustion after treatment.
• They’re inconvenient: Since medical supervision is required, I.V. chelation therapy must be performed at a chelation clinic. There are only a few hundred chelation clinics in the U.S., so finding one near your home can be difficult.
• They’re dangerous: Serious side effects are common. They deplete essential minerals. They may be unsafe for children. Recent research shows, however, that PectaClear® is just as effective as I.V. methods but without the depletion of essential minerals and possible severe side effects.
In other words, oral chelation over time works as well (if not better) than I.V. chelation, without the high cost, needles, or risks, and in the privacy of your own home. Made with real citrus pectin, Pecta-Sol® can help you restore your immune balance and health.
How do I know if PectaClear® is safe?*
Our PectaClear® is a combination of modified citrus pectin and a modified alginate compound. This formula supports safe and efficacious detoxification, and can be utilized to both actively chelate toxins and prevent absorption of toxins at the time of exposure.*
• Supports systemic and gentle removal of toxic heavy metals, environmental toxins and mold toxins*
• Promotes safe and effective chelation, without also removing any essential minerals or nutrients*
• Unique combination of pectin and alginates binds toxins to prevent re-absorption*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please contact your physician or health care practitioner.
How much should I take?
PectaClear® Dosage
Immediate Support: 6 Capsules daily (3 capsules twice daily)
Long term maintenance, or prevention: 1 Capsule (1 capsule twice daily)
Additional Usage Guidelines: This product is designed to be taken on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before or 2 hours after food, or 2 hours either before or after other supplements or medications PectaClear® is the first stage product in a 2 stage chelation program. PectaSol® Detox Complete® is the 2nd stage of this process, which is added after initial reduction of toxic burden, and when dosage is reduced to maintenance level.

60 Capsules Regular $41.95  sale $29.95

180 Capsules Regular 102.94  sale $79.95