When I suggest a change in eating plans, clients are sometimes hesitant. After all, they’ve been…in all likliehood…eating them same foods and drinking the same beverages they grew up with and it’s comfortable and familiar…so why change?

What does food…or nutrition…have to do with how you feel? What you eat and consume, in any fashion, potentially becomes a part of your body’s cellular structure. Your body will make cells from what you feed it. So your food and nutrition needs to be of the type that the body can use to create itself, again and again. 

Then in the late 1980’s when I was still in my 30’s, I developed chronic fatigue and what I believed to be Crohn’s Disease. I did not see a medical doctor for this condition as I was in denial and full of fear that what I had happening with my body was cancer. That was my choice. at the time. I felt miserable. I was constantly tired and just couldn’t seem to generate enough energy to get through the day. 

On top of that, I had chronic bouts of diarrhea, oftentimes bloody and full of mucous. Sorry to be so graphic here but it is the truth. I kept this all to myself, silenced by the dreaded fear. You get to learn all about me here. And why not? Nothing needs to be hidden any longer. The body is amazing, and given time, proper nutrition, and faith it can and will heal itself. Because Crohn’s Disease is also an inflammatory condition, I would have either a low grade fever or flare ups of higher fever temperatures. Plus, there was a constant aching in my abdominal area.

It was hard to live…hard to work…hard to be a mother…let alone to have the strength to move through my daily life. I was in sad shape. Every morsel of food came exploding out of me. I could not eat any raw foods, at all. They would basically come out whole. Yet my inner strength was great. I knew the body could heal itself. I did not give in or give up.

Some time before that time in my life, my friend asked me to go to a Chiropractor’s meeting. There the doctor was sharing health information which included a new evaluation process, called Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA) which is a method of testing the body to determine nutritional deficiencies and imbalances of the body. I knew then and there that I would study this system and be the best healer I could be. 

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