Hello Life, LOVE and Peace!  Use the drops, 3 per 10 oz to bring the water into an alkaline condition.  Drink one glass (10 oz) 5 times per day.  One in the morning, one at bedtime, one before each of your three meals (or at the time of a ‘normal’ meal time).  This will increase the bicarbonate in your bloodstream.

These are some tablets called Ph Balance you can use in place of or in addition to the Alkalife drops.  Sometimes with travel the tablets are easier. Eternal Choices!!

AIHow would you feel if you had more energy?  I mean feel… emotionally, and spiritually?  Did you know that being in an ‘acid’ condition is one reason why people feel anger, frustration, and despair.  Many times this can be the case, at least it was partially in my case.  Over acid condition caused me to feel and act out angrily to those around me and to myself.  When this was realized and started a program of drinking alkalized water this changed for the better.  Peace came over me and stayed!  Yeah, if it always will be that simple.

You take the test kit pictured above and determine the Ph of your water, then after alkalizing it.  It is fun, and you can go to your family’s homes and check their waters too.  Have fun helping yourself and others!





Alkalife pH Booster Drops 1.25 oz. $16.49

Alkalife pH Tester Kit 20Ml $19.99

Alkalife pH Booster Tablets, 100 tabs $18.49 (Formerly BiCarb Balance)