We’re happy to share all the information we can about who we are and how to find the answers you need

Dr. Xianti Hoo, Ph.D. — As the owner of Alternative Choices Healing Center and  a Certified Nutritional Consultant I have over 35 years experience in the field of alternative health and have helped countless of clients during that time. Find out how my expertise can help you.

Location & Contact InfoAlternative Choices Healing Center is located in Camp Verde, Arizona (USA) just south of Sedona and Flagstaff. For information on how to find directions to the office or contact us by e-mail, phone or snail mail, check here.

What’s New Check here to find what new products have been added to the website. Get the latest information to see what’s ON SALE. Keep up to date on everything.

Standard Process Products Discover why these whole food supplements are the best on the planet, in my opinion.

Our Site Map If you can’t find what you’re looking for through our navigation on the website, look here. We’ve included an easy-to-follow outline of what’s here on our site map.

Frequently Asked Questions Find answers to commonly asked questions.



*To all our visitors: Thank you for coming to explore our web site, www.chooseCRA.com. We truly appreciate your presence here. You and your health are a vital concern to us. We sincerely hope the information we share, the services we offer and the products we sell help you to manifest your dreams as a spiritual being and that it helps contribute to your physical health, well-being and prosperity.

Please be aware none of the these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products and this information are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is simply the 1st Amendment in action and is presented for information and research purposes only. We are sharing information we believe in and feel it is not commonly found in mainstream media. We’d also like to remind you, if you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own discretion and risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. By receiving this information, you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible for your own health and well being and to hold harmless Alternative Choices Healing Center, its owners, assigns or heirs from any lawsuits and litigations for any reason.

We do not recommend using any ideas found here without first consulting a medical professional or a qualified health care provider with recognized degrees and appropriate licenses.

©Copyright 2000-2014. All rights reserved. Alternative Choices Healing Center (http://www.choosecra.com) and its owner Dr. Xianti Hoo, Ph.D., call 1-928-639-4574.

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