BIOFILAM tested on atherosclerosis patients

As a dietary supplement, BIOFILAM is a uniquely balanced complex of biologically active agents found in the brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica, containing up to 90% of polysaccharides (salts of alginic acid, seaweed cellulose, Fucoidan), which may be regarded as food fibers. Besides, it contains mineral substances (in form of inorganic salts and organic compounds) and Vitamins (particularly, up to 10% of recommended daily ration of Vitamin A). BIOFILAM was earlier proved to be an effective remedy to bind and remove radioactive iodine, strontium and cesium from the body.

A group of patients,13 men, with clinical forms of atherosclerosis (myocardial ischemia, arterial hypertension) was chosen with the purpose to study Biofilams therapeutic properties in cholesterol exchange process and atherosclerosis prevention. Research studies were performed during 3 months in the Cardiological Department of the Municipal Clinic.

Evaluation of therapeutic effect was done by analyzing the level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, beta-lipoproteids (using COBAS biochemical analyzer) in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the course of treatment. None of the patients showed any signs of negative side effects throughout the course of testing, nor any liver or kidney malfunctions were detected.

BIOFILAM proved to be very effective for patients with uncomplicated, controllable, insulin-dependent (Type I) and insulin-independent (Type II) sugar diabetes with initial stage of hypercholesteremia: total cholesterol level in the patients’ blood went down from 5.7 – 10.6 MMole/l (on average 7.7 MMole/l – before treatment) to 3.13 – 6.89 MMole/l (on average 5.68 MMole/l – after treatment), making 26.5% decrease. The level of beta-lipoproteids decreased from 75 – 115 to 55 – 90 un (on average) and was comparable with data in 85% of studies with patients with no diabetes (decrease in average values from 2.34 to 1.59 MMole/l).

Decrease in dyspeptic disorders, among other positive effects of BIOFILAM, is worth mentioning too. Product tolerance was registered as satisfactory. We have concluded, that taking BIOFILAM has a sound therapeutic effect as a preventive and medicinal remedy for people suffering atherosclerosis and other forms of hyperlipoidemia.

PhD. Sergeeva M.A., Ankhudinov Municipal Clinic , Moscow