Can BIOFILAM help with mercury toxicity?

If you are concerned or actively searching for natural product, which may help you safely get rid of heavy metals, such as Lead, Strontium, Uranium and Mercury, please consider reading the following letter. 

One of our customers described experience with BIOFILAM in his testimonial. Mr. Lambert gave not only permission to place his letter for public view, but agreed to put his e-mail address next to his name. 

He kindly provided us with detailed medical records – proven success in fight for his health with help of our product. Congratulations, Lawrence! To all of you, who bring recognition to BIOFILAM, and respect to our business by your trust – THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Stay with us and stay healthy! _______________________________________ 

July 4, 2002

After seeing a naturopathic doctor, it was suggested that I have a hair analysis done to determine the amount of lead in my body. The levels were high. Having heard that hair analysis was not 100% reliable I went a step further and had an EDTA heavy metal challenge in July of 1998. 

I was also concerned about Mercury levels in my body, so in August 1998 I had a DMPS Mercury challenge test. The results came back at 80 ppm where 0-3 is acceptable. All this explained why I was feeling so lousy all the time. My biggest complaint was anxiety and depression that had been going on for 20 plus years (probably the cause for me becoming an alcoholic). It was so severe that at times I just wanted to die. 

I also had stomach problems (acid reflux, heart burn etc.) Sometimes I would just not eat because I knew of the pain to come if I did. Other symptoms included fatigue, muscle and joint pain, lack of enthusiasm, and just plain feeling old and worn out. I was in my early forties and didn’t think I should feel that bad at such a young age. I had stopped drinking for 10 years and in that time I gave up smoking, caffeine, and sugar. I tried many different diets. Nothing worked. 

I went ahead with EDTA chelation and brought the lead levels down from 110 to 35 ppm. Some of the fatigue went away bust most of my other symptoms remained. I decided to work on Mercury. I had all the silver amalgams removed from my teeth. I believe that the mercury in these amalgams was the source from which I was being poisoned. 

I then could have chelated the mercury from my body with DMPS but I heard that it could be dangerous and also expensive. DMSA was another alternative but the protocol was rigorous (take 100mg every 3 hours 24 hours a day for a week and to take a week off, then start over again). There are also side effects involved and DMSA is also expensive. 

In August of 2001 my depression became so bad that I wanted to kill myself but I was too afraid. I was just waiting impatiently for my life to end so the pain and anguish would stop. I heard about BIOFILAM and though skeptical I was willing to try anything. 

After reading about BIOFILAM for removing heavy metals I started taking 6 capsules twice daily. This was in October 2001. I immediately began to feel better. The protocol I read about said that it might be necessary to take a few days off every 2 weeks or so, but I found that when I stopped for a few days my anxiety feeling would come back. I decided to not take any days off and that worked best for me. 

When I said I started feeling better I mean that I got enough relief that I regained some hope and my suicidal desires stopped. I didn’t feel great but I felt good enough to continue the regimen. I was desperately hopeful since nothing in the past had worked for me. Finally something seemed to be working. 

It is now July 2002. For 3 months now I have been feeling great. I am “Happy” I have no anxiety (even when I drink too much coffee), much less pain in my muscles and joints and I have more energy than I know what to do with. 

This past May I was curious to know exactly where my mercury levels were. I had a DMPS Mercury Challenge. The results showed a level of 9 ppm. This is down from 80 ppm back in August of1998. I believe that BIOFILAM is the least expensive, most effective way to remove mercury from the body with the only side effects being a sense of well being. 

My girlfriend has been trying to remove mercury by using things like DMSA and or Alpha-Lipolic Acid. She is experiencing difficult side effects, while spending lots of money and struggling with a difficult regimen. Using things like DMSA can cause mercury to come out of tissues, organs and glands into the blood stream. If the mercury isn’t completely removed, the remainder of it gets reabsorbed and the body reacts as if a new source of mercury has been introduced to it. Bad side effects! That same concept might have been why I feel uncomfortable when I took days off from taking BIOFILAM. 

Other than those few times when I stopped the BIOFILAM I had no negative side effects. Now my mercury levels are so low that if I stop for a few days I fel no changes. Sorry for being so long winded but to me this is the most wonderful success story that has ever happened to me. 

I would recommend BIOFILAM for everyone. For heavy metal chelation or just to clean up and balance body elements. 

Thank you so much, Lawrence Lambert, North Quincy, MA 


P. S. Everyone says I look great (I’m 48 years old but now feel like 28)