100% food nutrient supplements.  No rocks, synthetic ingredients and recognized by your body as real foods to re-create itself.  Studies has repeatedly shown that food nutrients are better than USP vitamins (including those so-called ‘natural’ nutrients that usually contain USP vitamins).  Food nutrients are chemically/structurally different than USP nutrients (I hesitate to call any USP a ‘nutrient’) better absorbed by the body, and better utilized, as nature intended.  Doctor’s Research products are truly food natural nutrients.  Doctor’s Research is dedicated to improving the quality of everyone’s life by providing the safest, the best and the most effective 100% FOOD supplements available through health professionals.

Who heads up the research team at Doctors’ Research?
The research group at Doctors’ Research is directed by Robert Thiel, who holds a Ph.D. in nutrition science. He is licensed as a naturopath by the State of North Carolina, registered as a naturopath by the District of Columbia, and is licensed as a naturopathic physician within Idaho. He maintains a natural health clinic in Arroyo Grande, California.

DR. THIEL conducts lectures for health care professionals on a variety of natural health topics; he has also written four books for health care professionals. He has conducted, and had published, many scientific health studies. Thiel received the Leadership Award from the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society. Thiel has been named Research Scientist of the Year, Physician of the Year, and Disability Researcher of the Year by the largest American naturopathic association. Dr. Thiel has had the only comprehensive paper published in a medical peer-reviewed journal (Medical Hypotheses) on the advantages of natural food vitamins over synthetic ‘nutrients’.

Numerous university studies have concluded that supplements containing food nutrients are better than USP isolates. Food nutrients are better because they contain important enzymes, peptides, and phytonutrients CRITICAL to the UTILIZATION of vitamins and minerals which are not present in isolated USP nutrients. Published research has concluded that food vitamins are superior synthetic/USP vitamins

Food Vitamins and Minerals ARE Better!

Most multi-vitamin formulas are primarily synthetic (e.g. petroleum-derived) vitamins plus crushed industrial rocks, yet even peer reviewed medical research has concluded that food vitamins are superior to synthetics [1]. Numerous scientific papers have concluded that Food vitamins and minerals are better than USP isolated ‘nutrients’ because they contain important enzymes, peptides and phytonutrients which are critical to the utilization of vitamins and minerals and are lacking in isolated USP nutrients.