Why should I take FlorAlive essences?

The profound and tangible transformation that results from using FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower™ Essences may seem unbelievable, even miraculous, and yet … it occurs! Time and time again.  I personally have seen the differences in my life by opening up my heart to more love to give and receive, and have seen tremendous changes in our cat, Wendy, of her shyness to being picked up.  She has opened up and allowed it, and it was in only a few days of using the remedies I myself used as I shared my water with her drinking bowl.  I am amazed at this change in us.  Thank you Dr. Davis!



How can I tap the amazing power of the UNCUT flower?

Thanks to FlorAlive’s internationally patented process, it is now possible for the first time to collect highly coherent (and hence more potent) healing frequencies from rare flowers without severing their powerful, transformational life force by cutting or displacing them.

This is an evolutionary step beyond the flower essence preparation method developed originally by Dr. Edward Bach. From the far reaches of the world and the fields and forests of his land, Dr. Davis has discovered special flowers which he has prepared with his unique, patented method to unlock their ability to apparently “overwrite” and remove defeating subconscious beliefs and memories of trauma that everyone has stored in the unconscious mind, thereby opening the door to incredible healing possibilities!

What do health professionals say about FlorAlive®?

Skilled health professionals have been clinically evaluating FlorAlive® for a decade, and here are some of their comments:

  • “The results of FlorAlive® seem unbelievable – yet, amazingly, they help you rapidly reach your next goals” – Dr. Evan Mladenoff, Former Kansas City Chiefs Alternative Health Consultant.
  • “I experienced deep healing with FlorAlive® when nothing else worked.” – Dr. Harhari Khalsa, Chiropractic Physician, Los Angeles, CA
  • “I can only describe FlorAlive® as: ‘Grace in a bottle’.” – Dr. Jane Lock, Chiropractic Physician, Collegeville, PA

Choose from dozens of types of drops to support your body in emotional transformation

As remarkable as it seems, the color, geometry, vitality, and growth location of each distinct flower combine to form “frequencies” that can, under the right circumstances, “overwrite” and remove limiting thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs embedded in our subconscious/unconscious mind – often related to past occurrence of emotional or physical abuse or trauma.

“The right circumstances” manifest much more readily when the total information of the flower is preserved and transmitted in a coherent state by the unique means of the patented UNCUT flower™ process developed by FlorAlive® inventor and holistic practitioner, Dr. Brent W. Davis.

Our Creator placed flowers on Earth for more than just beauty. Flowers have the great healing possibility of displacing negative subconscious memories and beliefs most bodies can harbor, and can help the body fill voids in us where we have emotional chasms. The FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower™ phenomenon was discovered due to Dr. Davis’ clinical experience in herbal medicine, homeopathy, and applied kinesiology muscle testing. A great mystery was revealed. That which is normally invisible, namely beliefs and feelings in the subconscious mind, became visible by using a specific clinical protocol.

Dr. Brent Davis, founder of Floralive®

Dr. Brent W. Davis divides his time between his integrative healing and chiropractic practice in Nashville, Tennessee and the FlorAlive® forest/farm/training center about 75 miles outside Nashville. He travels internationally to photograph, study, and prepare highly energized flowers which have the potential of becoming new flower essences. When not traveling, he teaches seminars and is a sought-after conference speaker.

Basic Level 1 FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower™ Frequencies

Note: We are in the process of setting up a new shopping cart. Short descriptions plus prices of the Floralive® UNCUT Flower™ Frequencies are listed below.The Floralive® product you are looking for is listed …so you can buy it online..or call Phone: 1-928-639-4574. We’ll take your order by phone and promptly ship it to you. Thank you for your patience during our transition. Use this link to order Basic Level 1:    Add to Cart Please make a note of which product you ordered in the ‘special instructions’ section on your order. Thank you, and Share the Light! Please use this link to order Basic Level 2:   Add to Cart  Please make a note of which product you ordered in the ‘special instructions’ section on your order. Thank you, and Share the Light!

Blood Root List Price: $24.95 Profoundly important to enable the body to be in a state of allowance.

Blue Eyed Grass List Price: $24.95 To assist the body to release after-effects of emotional or physical abuse or trauma.

Blue Water Lily List Price: $24.95 Enables the body to align itself with the belief, “It is safe to open my heart,” Removes and releases the damaging subconscious beliefs: “I am unworthy of love”, and “I am only loveable when I am disabled.”

Butterfly Flower List Price: $24.95 Supports the body in embracing to “The courage to maintain an open heart.”

Cats Claw List Price: $24.95 To help the body open up to protect against the invasive/abusive energies of others. To knit together the fabric of the psyche after emotional abuse.

Chagapa List Price: $24.95 To support the body to break one’s subconscious belief in the inevitability of suffering at the hands of fate.

Culvers Root List Price: $24.95 Release. To assist the body in releasing past failures, romantic attachments, judgments, oaths, vows, swearings, etc.

Dogwood List Price: $24.95 Forgiveness. To enable the body to recover its process of forgiving.

False Dandelion List Price: $24.95 To help the body to displace the deep subconscious identity with shame. To eliminate the need for the venting of rage. To help release deeply buried hurt.

Flor de la Luna List Price: $24.95 To assist the body to expand to enable the process of receiving and receiving of love.

Flor del Oso List Price: $24.95 To enable the body to receive full input from our highest spiritual resources.

Goldenseal List Price: $24.95 Assists the body in releasing the identity of being a victim or an “innocent victim”.

Green Jade Flower List Price: $24.95 To help the body eliminate the subconscious belief: “It is unsafe for me to feel.”

Heartmend List Price: $24.95 To give asistance to the body to repair “a hole in the heart” from loss of a loved one, a pet, a relationship, etc.

Herb of the Cross List Price: $24.95 To help the body break the pattern of needing to be in control.

Huishko List Price: $24.95 To help the body embrace how break the self-perpetuation of our own illness.

Hydrangea List Price: $24.95 To assist the body in eliminating the very harmful tendency to “do judgment” on events, others, and oneself.

Joe Pye List Price: $24.95 To support the body to overcome the identity of being “too sensitive.” To remove the subconscious belief, “If I step into my power I will be annihilated.”

Madame Fate List Price: $24.95 To give the body the strength to shield against attack from negative energies. To fill one with self-confidence.

Manzo Root List Price: $24.95 To enable the body to ground to the core of the earth.

Maquilina List Price: $24.95 To help your body break the belief subconsciously: “No matter what action I take, I will be defeated.” To help eliminate futility & hopelessness. This very common belief (implant) is SUBconscious, so most people have no idea it is operating within them and causing defeat and hopelessness.

Maroon Bethroott List Price: $24.95 Helps the body get rid of the attractor field of troubled relationships in general, and attracting people who are unavailable. Possesses the astonishing ability to strengthen a woman’s frequency so she no longer attracts troubled men into her life. Helps men avert being a “troubled man”.

May Apple List Price: $24.95 To assist the body to overcome feeling inadequate, socially inept, shy.

Pink Lady Slipper List Price: $24.95 To support the body to restore or enhance trust in life.

Pure Potential™Acts as an energy shield to deflect and remove emotional harm and distortions.

List Price: $49.95 for one bottle. Add to Cart

SAVE 30% when you buy 2 bottles $70.00 Add to Cart

Purush (poo roosh) List Price: $24.95 Enables women’s bodies to be comfortable with their beauty or feminine essence.

Revive All  List Price: $24.95        Add to Cart

Revive All is A Powerful combination of six flower essences.

Snakeroot List Price: $24.95 To help the body reclaim personal power, preserving humility. To eliminate self-doubt.

Spigelia List Price: $24.95 To enable the body to “return to occupy physical space ” after being “checked out”.

Star Spirit Flower List Price: $24.95 Allows the body to subconsciously change the belief “My mistakes are unforgivable.” For procrastination, heaviness, and obstruction.

Talla List Price: $24.95 The “workaholics” flower. To help the body remove the subconscious belief, “My value as a human being is measured by how hard I work.”

Tulip Poplar List Price: $24.95 To support the body to overcome low self-esteem. Nearly infallible for helping the body with this.

Viola Father List Price: $24.95 Assists the body in replacing the missing cellular frequency of the loving/wise/mentoring father.

Viola Mother List Price: $24.95 Assists the body in replacing the missing cellular frequency of the loving/wise/mentoring mother.

White Ginger List Price: $24.95 To help the body add “sweetness” to our life and the recognition of sweetness that we have overlooked.

Wild Iris List Price: $24.95 To help the body remove the sense of feeling alone, isolated, unloved.

Yellow Root List Price: $24.95 Helps support bodies who have been unable or unwilling to feel fully. Enables the process of receiving – opportunities, money, and more.

Zarcilleja (sar see yeh ha) List Price: $24.95 Assists the female body to eliminate many women’s deep subconscious identity, “I accept the suffering of all women as my own.”

Abundant FlorAlive® Combination UNCUT Flower™ Frequencies


Abundant Life # 1  To help the body in receiving: Combined frequencies of Blood Root, Flor de la Luna, Blue Eyed Grass, False Dandelion, and Star Spirit Flower.

List Price $24.95

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Abundant Life # 2   To enable the body to accept forgiveness, non-judgment and safety: Combined frequencies of Hydrangea, Herb of the Cross, Dogwood, Green Jade Flower.

List Price: $39.95

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Abundant Life #3  To assist the body to shield and/or repair damage from individuals in the past or present who are emotionally invasive. Combined frequencies of Flor del Oso, Cat’s Claw, Herb of the Cross, Madame Fate, Blue Water Lily.

 List Price $44.95

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Abundant Life #4  Once the diminishment you have experienced from others has been reduced and your ability to receive is established, your body may be ready for assistance in empowerment: Combined frequencies of Madame Fate, Butterfly Flower, Snake Root, Yellow Root, Joe Pye.

List Price $44.95

Abundant Life Program #1-4  Includes Abundant Life 1, 2, 3 & 4

Set Price $131.50

Abundant Life Plus Program   Includes Abundant Life 1, 2, 3 & 4 plus Revive All

Set Price $169.75

Full Set of 42 Level 1 Flower Frequencies Set Price: $1123.00

Set Price $1123.00

Basic Level 2 FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower™Frequencies

Acrobat Orchid List Price: $24.95 To support your body to “lighten up” from self-absorption and seriousness.

Blue Gentian List Price: $24.95 For assistance to bodies who are prone to disregard their personal needs. Builds the subconscious awareness, “I am kind to myself.”

Blue Lechenaultia List Price: $24.95 To enable the body in knowing all is well. Self-appreciation. It helps to strengthen within oneself the belief, “I accept and appreciate who I am.”

Blue Pentangle List Price: $24.95 To help the body improve self worth & increase immunity to stressors. It helps the body eliminate the subconscious belief: “I am incompetent.”

Claytonia List Price: $24.95 To assist the body in developing forgiveness & Source connection. Helps to abolish the subconscious belief, “I cannot forgive the injuries others have done to me.”

Door To Change List Price: $24.95 Enables the body to act as if it alters the time continuum.

Healing Heart List Price: $24.95 Helps the body to promote deep healing of heart energy. Helps remove the subconscious belief, “My heart will always be broken.”

Jack-in-the-Pulpit List Price: $24.95 Helps the body to remove self-defeating patterns that escape out conscious awareness. Helps to eliminate the subconscious belief: “I cannot speak to or address that which challenges my comfort zone.”

Ko Oko O Lau List Price: $24.95 Assists the body to remove hopelessness from the past. Provides a sense of nurturing. Helps to eliminate the astonishingly destructive subconscious belief, “I am convicted throughout eternity for my crimes.”

Pure Potential™ List Price: $49.95 for one bottle.     Add to Cart

SAVE 30% when you buy 2 bottles $70.00 Add to Cart

Pure Potential acts as an energy shield to deflect and remove emotional harm and distortions.

Red & Green Kangaroo Paw List Price: $24.95 Supports the body in empowerment of the Higher Self. A flower for world transformation. Fortifies the internal belief, “I have the means and the power to restore paradise on earth.”

Red Agrimony List Price: $24.95 Helps the body to remove deep internal tension and stiffness.

Sacred Lotus List Price: $24.95 Helps the body to strengthen connection to the heart. Helps to remove the subconscious belief, “I cannot trust my heart.”


*To all our visitors: Thank you for coming to explore our web site, www.chooseCRA.com. We truly appreciate your presence here. You and your health are a vital concern to us. We sincerely hope the information we share, the services we offer and the products we sell help you to manifest your dreams as a spiritual being and that it helps contribute to your physical health, well-being and prosperity.

Please be aware none of the these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products and this information are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is simply the 1st Amendment in action and is presented for information and research purposes only. We are sharing information we believe in and feel it is not commonly found in mainstream media. We’d also like to remind you, if you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own discretion and risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. By receiving this information, you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible for your own health and well being and to hold harmless Alternative Choices Healing Center, its owners, assigns or heirs from any lawsuits and litigations for any reason.

We do not recommend using any ideas found here without first consulting a medical professional or a qualified health care provider with recognized degrees and appropriate licenses.

©Copyright 2000-2014. All rights reserved. Alternative Choices Healing Center (http://www.choosecra.com) and its owner Dr. Xianti Hoo, Ph.D., call 1-928-639-4574.

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