Forest Center Herbs (Formerly PRL Herbal) Alphabetical A through K
Specialty herbal tinctures address many chronic and difficult health challenge
Discover how plant-based tinctures can help your body re-balance
Forest Center Herbs (formerly PRL-Phytotherapy Research Labs) Specialties are organically grown in Tennessee on Dr. Brent Davis’ own pristine land, these herbs are fresh and full of vitality.
In my experience as a nutritionist, saying these herbs are powerful is an understatement. The capacity of Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) fresh plant extracts assist the body to function at its optimal level. They can help the spirit balance as well as the physical body, or the mind and emotions. This has been my experience and depends on each individual as to what effects are obtained.
Choose Forest Center Herbs Specialty and Combination Remedies – to help with chronic illnesses and difficult health challenges
These specialty herbal tinctures come in 1 fl.oz. (also available in 4, 8, or 16 oz) extracts  and are listed below in alphabetical order.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please contact your physician or health care practitioner.

Brief Therapeutic Guidelines

…NOW available in bulk for MORE SAVINGS! 4 ounce, 8 ounce or 16 ounce sizes available as well as 1 ounce.

Over 30 kinds of liquid and other remedies that help the body address many special issues like: removal of toxins, help with chronic illnesses, relief for environmental challenges, reducing emotional distress plus coping with male and female problems…AND MORE!

Alfalfa Herbal Tonic Can be used for joint pain and arthritis as well as for “Stress, burnout”, debility, undue fatigue, faulty nutrient assimilation, sluggish digestion, etc.

4 ounces, $33.00

8 ounces $61.60 (save 10%)

16 ounces $119.00 (save 15%)

Amazing “Sang” Supports the adrenals. Can help with poor appetite, fatigue, frequent desire for sleep/naps or chills.

1 ounce $28.00

4 ounces $100.80 (save 10%)

8 ounces $197.12 (save 12%)

16 ounces $380.80 (save 15%)

Arteben™ Can be used as an intestinal antiseptic. Helps correct intestinal flora imbalances in mild to moderate cases. Also helps support of healing mucous membrane.

1 ounce $15.50

4 ounce $55.80 (save 10%)

8 ounce $109.12 (save 12%)

Artemesia FEO™ For intestinal imbalances and parasites in patients with a strong constitution.

1 ounce $14.00

4 ounce $50.40 (save 10%)

8 ounce $98.56 (save 12%)

16 ounce $190.40 (save 15%)

Artemisia annua Tablets (Chinese) For resistant cases of intestinal flora imbalances and parasites. Can work as a general systemic tonic.

90 tablets $29.00

Astramax™ Acts as an immune enhancer to allow the body to rehabilitate the spleen & lymphatics, increase immunoglobins and stabilize cellular glutathione activity.

1 ounce $18.00

4 ounce $64.80 (save 10%)

8 ounce $126.72 (save 12%)

16 ounce $244.80 (save 15%)

Basil Flowerhead Assists the body to uplift the mental state, dissolving toxic compounds stored in fat as it neutralizes past damage from long-term recreational marijuana use.

Plus help your body release its neurologic disorganization

Basil Flowerhead is a natural herbal tonic to aid the body in rebalancing its health after prolonged marijuana or Cannabis use. The body can use this herbal aid to create a demulcent or soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, to harmonize the digestive tract. This effect allows the body to return to a positive psychodynamic uplifting state.

What’s in Basil Flowerhead?   It is an herbal tonic made from the fresh plant extract of organically grown Ocimum basillicum flowerheads plus an extract of organically grown dry leaves of Ocimum sanctum (tulsi of India).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Basil Flowerhead drops?

  • If your body has experienced “neurologic disorganization” as the results of Cannabinoid toxicity syndrome
  • Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially of the stomach and/or lungs due to smoking or ingesting Cannabis

What is the suggested dosage?   We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.General Guidelines: Take a few drops (10 – 20 drops) in a small glass of water after each meal three times a day. It may also be taken before meals, if desired and tolerated, for stimulation of digestion.

One ounce $14.00

Four ounce $50.40, you save 10%

Eight ounces $98.56, you save 12%

Sixteen ounces $190.40, you save 15%

Basil Tablets For short-term marijuana toxicity where there is significant under-functioning of the adrenals.

Plus help your adrenal glands regain better function

Basil tablets are a natural herbal aid to help the body in rebalancing its health after prolonged marijuana or Cannabis use. The body can use these herbal tablets to rebuild better adrenal function.

What’s in Basil Tablets?It is an herbal tablet made from the fresh plant extract of organically grown Ocimum basillicum flowerheads plus an extract of organically gorwn dry leaves of Ocimum sanctum (tulsi of India). It is a low-temperature dried herb in a 400 mg per tablet base.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Basil Tablets?

  • If your body has experienced “neurologic disorganization” as the results of Cannabinoid toxicity syndrome
  • Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially of the stomach and/or lungs due to smoking or ingesting Cannabis
  • Specifically assists in cases where the adrenals are “under functioning” so the body can rebuild adrenal function

What is the suggested dosage?   We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

90 Tablets, $24.00

General Guidelines   For acute detox of current marijuana use: Take 3-9 tablets after each meal three times a day.   For detox of past marijuana use: Take 1-3 tablets as a general adrenal rebuilder three times a day with meals.
Biotox Elim assists the body to neutralize Lyme disease, neurotoxins and biotoxins in general with a strong anti-microbial effect.

Get natural immune support for Lyme Disease and other neurotoxins Biotox Elim is made from herb-derived berberine and dydrastine in a proprietary plant base with Artemisia annua.

What is Biotox Elim?   An herbal aid that gives the body powerful antimicrobial effect to help neutralize Lyme disease (or you may want use or other Phytotherapy Research product for Lyme disease, SpiroNil), neurotoxins and biotoxins in general.  May be used for the support of the body’s natural function as it addresses issues pertaining to the elimination of any bio- or neurotoxins from any bacterial, mold, or other sources as well.

What is Lyme Disease?  Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease. In other words, it can be delivered from one host to another. In Lyme disease, a tick bearing the Borrelia burgdorferi organism literally inserts itself into a host’s bloodstream. It then bites the host to feed on its blood. It should be noted that Borrelia burgdorferi and/or Lyme disease may be transmitted directly from one person to another and from pets to humans.

The disease was named for Lyme, Connecticut, the town where it was first diagnosed in 1975 after a puzzling outbreak of arthritis-like symptoms. It is the biological toxins from the ticks that create Lyme Disease.

What is the suggested dosage?  We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 10-20 drops in 1/4 glass water three times daily or as directed by your health practitioner.

One Ounce, $16.00

Four Ounce, save 10% $57.60 

Eight Ounce. save 12% $112.64

Sixteen Ounce, save 15% $217.60

Burdock Compound  Helps the body remove accumulated metabolic waste from immune system by increasing sweating to release toxins. Can be used for skin eruptions.

If you’ve been suffering boils, acne, eczema of the scalp and unhealthy skin conditions, try Burdock herbal drops

Burdock herbal drops help the body recover from poor absorption, nutrition, metabolism, endocrine and elimination functions.

What’s in Burdock herbal drops?

It contains extracts of fresh roots of Arctium minus and Lappa plus extract of dry wild Arctium minus seeds.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Burdock Compound?

  • Dry and parchmenty skin
  • Poor elimination from the kidneys
  • Poor secretion through the kidneys, color, lungs and skin
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Inactive or plugged sebaceous glands as in acne
  • Dry sinuses and lungs
  • Constipation
  • Arthritis
  • Poor renal elimination or water-logged edemic condtions…but with dry skin
  • Poor assimilation of fats and proteins
  • Loss of metabolites
  • Poor tissue feeding
  • Wasting with dry skin
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Thyroid stress with beginning tendencies to hypothroidism

NOTE: Burdock is a major component in Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) General Formula.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines:   Take 10 to 30 drops in 1/4 glass of water with meals 3-4 times daily.

One Ounce $13.00

Four Ounce $46.80 save 10%

Eight Ounce $91.52 save 12%

Sixteen Ounce $176.80 save 15%

Calised™ Fluid Extract Supports the body for nervous unrest, anxiety, stress, or insomnia. Can also be used as a mild analgesic or pain relief.

Let Calised’s™ herbal properties help you body let go

If you’ve found that you’re not getting the relief you want from your current medication for nervousness, sleeplessness or stress, you might want to let your body experience Calised’s ™ herbal support.

What’s in Calised™?

It is a concentrated herbal extract made from the California Poppy. It is organically grown on pristine land in the coastal mountains of California. It contains no phenanthrene alkaloids such as morphine, codeine or thebaine, which are responsible for the effects of opium. It nevertheless allows the body to gently relax.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Calised™?

  • Nervous unrest and tiredness
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • For mild applications only

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines:   Take 5-10 drops in a 1/4 glass of water after each meal 3 times a day. At nighttime, take 10-20 drops in a small glass of water before going to bed.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

FloraCalm Can be used for anxiety with nervous stomach or for over excitability (e.g. PMS tension) or nervous insomnia.

What’s in FloraCalm™?

Fresh plant extract of Passiflora incamata and Valeriana officinalis.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Flora Calm?

The most common indicators for FloraCalm™ are for anxiety with accompanying nervous stomach or intestinal upset.

(Note: when anxiety is present WITHOUT nervous stomach or intestines, Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) product Calised is recommended.)

Can also be used for:

  • Overexcitability (especially in women who have PMS tension)
  • Nervous insomnia

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines:   10-30 drops, as recommended by your health practitioner, in 1/4 glass of water 3 to 6 times daily.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

Female Herbal For ovarian hypo (under) functioning, hot flashes, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.What is in Female Herbal?

Fresh and dry plant extracts of Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa); dry plant extract of mature Dwang Kwei (Angelica sinesis).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Female Herbal?

The most common indicators for the use of Female Herbal are:

  • Ovarian hypo-functioning (under-functioning)
  • Hot flashes (can be used with estrogen replacement therapy)
  • Amenorrhea (Absence or cessation of menstruation)
  • Dysmenorrhea (Painful menstruation)

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines:   5-25 drops as recommended by your health pracitioner in 1/4 glass of water 3 to 6 times daily.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

GB Cleanse For the digestive system. Poor Digestion, Liver Problems, High Cholesterol, Fever, Colds/Flu, Skin Rash, or Arthritis.

A natural way to promote gentle gallbladder health

If your gallbladder has been sluggish and you’d like to find a way to support your body in lowering its cholesterol, GB Cleanse is a natural, gentle way

What’s in GB Cleanse?

It is a blend of herbal extracts of Safflower and Culver’s Root (Carthamus tincture and Veronicastrum virginicum).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need GB Cleanse?

  • Sluggish gallbladder symptoms
  • Slightly elevated cholestrol levels

CAUTION: Do not use when gallbladder colic occurs (i.e. when blockage of the gallbladder or gallstones are present).

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines:   Take 10-25 drops in a 1/4 glass of water after each meal, 3 times daily.

1 Ounce $15.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $54.00

8 Ounce, save 12% $105.60

16 Ounce, save 15% $204.00

HPC™ Helps the body offset inflammation from food allergies; is antifungal and antimicrobial; protects liver and spleen; assists with hepatitis.A natural way to deal with hypersensitivities

If you need antimicrobial or anit-inflammatory support for food or dander allergies, HPC™ can support your body’s ability to protect the spleen and liver and help eliminate jaundice.

What’s in HPC™?

HPC™ (Herbal Polyacetylene Complex) is PRL’s revival of the great lost Hawaiian herb, Bidens campylotheca var. camplotheca, a certified organic product.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need HPC™?

If you have inflammatory reaction to food or dander allergies, HPC can assist your body.Also supports the body in fighting off infection, protecting the liver, balancing the tone of the bowels and assists in achieving mental clarity. May also be helpful when there are spleen deficiencies or hepatitis.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines: Take 3-15 drops in a 1/4 glass of water after each meal, 3 times daily.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.60

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

ImuStim #1  Liquid Resistance support for chronic conditions; stimulates repair of damaged tissue and destruction by environmental toxins. Useful with prostatic congestion and more.

Also for an overload of environmental toxins and more

A fresh plant/dry plant extract of Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea (pictured above), and E. pallida, including a flower remedy of Echinacea.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Imu-Stim 1?

Here are come common ways that Imu-Stim may be helpful.

  • Helps the body increase resistance in subacute and chronic immune conditions
  • Can stimulate the body’s repair of damaged tissue
  • Increase the body’s resistsance to tissue destruction by environmental toxins and toxic metabolites
  • Can be useful with prostatic congestion
  • Serves as a specific homeopathic antidote to negative effects of DPT innoculation

Tablets only:  The tablets provide the body even more specific benefits to the bowel. In some cases, it helps disinfect the ileocecal valve. It also provides a higher level of immune stimulating polysaccharides than does the liquid.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines

Tablets: 2-3 tablets per meal.

Liquid only: Adults: 5-25 drops in 1/4 glass of water, 3 to 6 times daily. The best effects are generally achieved by smaller doses more frequently. (For example, 10 drops 6 times daily.)

Infants: 3 to 5 drops in 20 drops of water injected by dropper into the mouth.
Imu Stim #1 Tablets – 90 Tablets/500 mg (Same as Imu Stim #1 Liquid yet it also has more specific benefits to help the body with the bowel and ileocecal valve).

Also for an overload of environmental toxins and more

A fresh plant/dry plant extract of Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea (pictured above), and E. pallida, including a flower remedy of Echinacea.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Imu-Stim 1?

Here are come common ways that Imu-Stim may be helpful.

  • Helps the body increase resistance in subacute and chronic immune conditions
  • Can stimulate the body’s repair of damaged tissue
  • Increase the body’s resistsance to tissue destruction by environmental toxins and toxic metabolites
  • Can be useful with prostatic congestion
  • Serves as a specific homeopathic antidote to negative effects of DPT innoculation

Tablets only:   The tablets provide the body even more specific benefits to the bowel. In some cases, it helps disinfect the ileocecal valve. It also provides a higher level of immune stimulating polysaccharides than does the liquid.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines

Tablets: 2-3 tablets per meal.

Liquid only: Adults: 5-25 drops in 1/4 glass of water, 3 to 6 times daily. The best effects are generally achieved by smaller doses more frequently. (For example, 10 drops 6 times daily.)

Infants: 3 to 5 drops in 20 drops of water injected by dropper into the mouth.

90 Tablets, 500 mg $23.90

1 Ounce $11.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $39.60

8 Ounce, save 12% $77.44

16 Ounce, save 15% $149.60

ImuStim #2 Antimicrobial for Candida and chronic EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) patients. Helps the body normalize metabolism-diminishing achiness in EBV patients. Can normalize loose stools also.Imu-Stim 2 can also help your body with Candida and loose bowels

An extact of Milk Thistle leaf, Goldenseal fluid extract, Elecampane, and the products H.P.C. and Walt.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Imu-Stim 2?

Some possible applications Imu-Stim2 can help the body with:

  • Acting as an antimicrobial for dysbiosis (candida) and chronic EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) patients.
  • Aiding in normalizing arachadonic acid metabolism imbalances, which diminishes joint achiness with Epstein Barr Virus.
  • Assisting in normalizing loose stools.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines:   15-30 drops in 1/4 glass of water, 3-4 times daily for general use or as recommended by your health practitioner.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

ImuStim #3 For specific problems relating to milk product allergies. Also helpful for loss of appetite, nausea and upper G.I. spasms.Imu-Stim 3 can also bring relief for loss of appetite, nausea and upper G-I spasms

A dry plant extract of high mountain mature root of Ligusticum porteri (Osha).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Imu-Stim 3?

The most common indicators for this herbal combination are:

  • Specific for milk product allergy problems, like lung congestion, excess mucous production, sinus/ear congestion, etc.
  • Also can be helpful for loss of appetite, nausea and upper G.I. (gastro-intestional) spasms

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 5 – 15 drops in 1/4 glass of water, 3-5 times daily.

Heavy lung congestion: At least 25 drops per dose in 1/4 glass of water.

NOTE: In a small percentage of patients who do not have an affinity for the herb, a too-large or too-small dose may product a transitory headache. If an unpleasant reaction exists, simply discontinue the herb, and the symptoms will abate.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

Inula/Berberis Helps the body stabilize chi (energy) and assists with digestive system/poor assimilation. Helps body reduce allergic load.A natural way to help with rhinitis or chronic immune challenges

When your body is faced a wide variety of immune deficiencies, Inula Berberis Compound can assist it achieving wellness. It is especially helpful to support the body with Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Lupus and other auto-immune deficiencies.

What’s in Inula/Berberis Compound?

It contains fresh and dried plant extracts of organically grown Elecampane and wild Oregon Grape root.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Inula/Berberis Compound?

  • Inflammatory allergic reactions to such things as rhinitis
  • Chronic unwellness such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (EBV) or Fibromyalgia, Lupus, etc.

Supports Vata type constitutions.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines: Take 10-25 drops in a 1/4 glass of water after each meal, 3 – 4 times daily.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

Kid Cold When your body needs support with common colds and pollen borne allergies.

A natural way to deal with common colds

When you want support for your body’s cold and pollen allergy symptoms.

What’s in Kid Cold ?

It contains fresh and dry plant extracts of Echinecea Pallida and Purpurea, Goldenseal, Lobelia and Scullcap.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Kid Cold ?

  • Colds
  • Pollen Borne Allergies

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

Kid Cold with Juniper Assists your body with chronic colds and bronchitis.

A natural way to deal with chronic colds and bronchitis

With its added warming, stimulating, and disinfecting actions, the Kid Cold herbal tincture with juniper berries has many supportive uses for the body, such as an added antiseptic effect and it’s often used in cases of chronic and repeated colds and bronchitis.

What’s in Kid Cold Juniper?

It contains fresh and dry plant extracts of Echinecea Pallida and Purpurea, Goldenseal, Lobelia and Scullcap plus Juniper.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Kid Cold ?

  • Chronic or repeated colds
  • Stubborn Pollen-borne Allergies
  • Bronchitis

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

1 Ounce $17.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $61.20

8 Ounce, save 12% $119.68

16 Ounce, save 15% $231.20