LigAmend™  For topical (and internal) use. Helps the body heal weak and overused ligaments.Ligamend™: A natural way to assist the body with ligament challenges

When your body needs help with stabilizing joints and ligaments, try this proprietary herbal tincture.

What’s in Ligamend™?

It contains a proprietary blend of herb-derived of diosgenin (steroidal) saponsides.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Ligamend?

  • Laxity in the sacro-illiac joints
  • Carpal and tarsal tunnel syndrome symptoms
  • Any joints affected by repetitive stress injuries

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines:   Apply topically, rubbing in 5 drops per square inch of joint surface, at least two times daily. (Compare to Goldenseal for repair of damages to lumbar discs.)

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.60

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

Liv-Herbal™ Supports the body to ease PMS symptoms; helps with sluggish liver/biliary function and with hepatitis, jaundice, or bile stasis. Sorry! Temporarily UNAVAILABLE!

Liv-Herbal™: A natural way to help with per-menstrual and liver challenges

Help your body achieve wellness from per-menstrual cramps and PMS or from sluggish liver or biliary functions.

What’s in Liv-Herbal™?

It contains fresh plant extracts of organically grown Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), white and pink Yarrow (Achilles millefolium) and wild picked whole plant Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Liv-Herbal™?

  • PMS symptoms like cramps and irritability
  • Sluggish liver or biliary functions
  • Hepatitis symptoms
  • Jaundice
  • Bile stasis

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines: Take approximately 10 drops in a 1/4 glass of water after each meal, 3 times daily.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.60

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

Male Herbal For support in benign prostatic hypertrophy (non-tumorous enlargement of prostate gland).

What’s in Male Herbal?

Extract of fresh Saw Palmetto berries, fresh whole plant Echinacea species, and fresh seed kernels of organically grown apricots.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Male Herbal?

Herbal support for a non-tumorous enlargement of the prostate organ or tissue is as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells (also known as Benign Prostate Hypertrophy or Hyperplasia).

What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

Abbreviated BPH, this is a non-cancerous prostate problem. The normal elements of the prostate gland grow in size and number when this condition is present. Their enlargement may compress the urethra, which is located in the center of the prostate, impeding the flow of urine from the bladder through the urethra to the outside. This may lead to urine retention or the need for frequent urination.

If BPH is severe, complete blockage of the urethra can occur. BPH generally begins in a man’s 30’s. It may, however, evolve slowly, causing symptoms only after age 50.

BPH is very common. Half of men over age 50 develop symptoms of PBH, but only 10% need some kind of intervention. Watchful waiting with annual medical monitoring is appropriate for most men with BPH. Taking Male Herbal can be a good preventative as well as a remedy to aid in recovery should BPH occur.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 10-20 drops in 1/4 glass of water, 3 times daily.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190/40

Maxsed Helps relieve anxiety and stress. Promotes relaxation. Strongest and most broadly active sedative/anxiolytic.

What’s in Maxsed™?

Contains Hops, Catnip, California Poppy (Eschscholtzia ca.), fresh whole plant Valerian officinalis, plus wild fresh and dry Passiflora incarnata.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Maxsed™?

The most common indicators for Maxsed™ to assist the body are:

  • Helps the body deal with anxiety and stress.
  • Assists in promoting relaxation.
  • Strongest and most broadly active sedative/anxiolytic (preparations used to treat anxiety, and also used to treat chronic pain.)

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: Take 15-40 drops in 1/4 glass of water 3 times per day.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

MicroNil A blend of Echinacea, Goldenseal, Inula, Osha, Coptis, Cayenne and Waltheria. Good for STRONG overall immune system support.

What is in MicroNil?

A blend of herbal extracts of fresh plant and dry plant Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, Osha, Coptis, Inula, Cayenne, Walt, and dry Goldenseal root.

What are some indications for MicroNil?

It is good for overall immune system support. It assists the body with viral or bacterial infections when strong borad spectrum antimicrobial herbs are indicated. Works like an herbal sledgehammer to help the body knock out immune system problems.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

MycoNil™ An herbal blend of Monarda fistulosa and Tabebuia impetiginosa. Assists in vaginal and intestinal candidasis, especially when they exist together.

What is in MycoNil™?

An natural herbal blend of Sweetleaf and Pao D’arco bark (Monarda fistulosa and Tabebuia impetiginosa).

It safely and gently assists in vaginal and intestinal candidasis, especially when they exist together.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

Suggested dosage: 10-20 drops in 1/4 glass of water 3-4 times daily.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.60

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

Phyto-DREN™ For low adrenal functioning, stress syndrome, and endocrine imbalances due to fatigue. Also for asthma, especially in children.

What is PhytoDren?

PhytoDren™ is made from fresh and dry plant extracts of Calendula (C. officinalis), Sarsaparilla (Smilax species/Hemidesmus indicus), wild mature American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium), Toza (Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum), Croton cascarilma, Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis, Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), Piper marginatum, and Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need PhytoDren™?

PhytoDren™ helps the body deal with all kinds of stress and fatigue. The most common indicators for the use of PhytoDren™ are when the body experiences:

  • Functional hypoadrenia (a low functioning or deficiency in the functioning of the adrenal glands)
  • Stress syndrome
  • Functional endocrine imbalances due to fatigue
  • Asthma, especially in children

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

Average Guidelines: 5-15 drops in 1/4 glass water, 3 times per day.

Therapeutic guidelines: 1-20 drops in 1/4 glass water, 3 to 6 times per day.

1 Ounce $18.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $64.80

8 Ounce, save 12% $126.72

16 Ounce, save 15% $244.80

Silmax™ Flowerhead (Milkthistle) Helps the body with many gallbladder and liver toxcity issues due to drug, heavy metal or insecticide intoxication. Assists in cases of Hepatitis and more. Sorry! Temporarily UNAVAILABLE!

Also assists in cases of Hepatitis.

(Rotate with other Silmax products for optimal recovery.)

Silmax™ Flowerhead, better known as Milk Thistle, is an extract of partially dry Milk Thistle (containing mature seeds). It contains small amounts of Silymarin, which aid the liver and gallbladder in eliminating toxins.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Silmax™ Flowerhead?

Some of the most common signs that indicate you may need to use Silmax™ Flowerhead are:

  • Constricted gallbladder
  • Gallbladder/Liver toxicity due to drug, heavy metal or insecticide intoxication
  • Assists in cases of Hepatitis
  • Helps repair free radical damage (NOTE: Silymarin is a more potent antioxidant than Vitamin E)
  • Assists in reducing elevated serum SGOT, SGPT and bilirubin (These are liver enzymes. As Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), reach higher levels in the body, they are indicators of liver inflammation, damage, or disease. The lowering of these serum levels is a sign of an improving condition.)

NOTE ON SILMAX PRODUCTS: The Silmax™ products come in three potencies. Clinical experience has shown that clients with symptoms of liver damage respond best with extracts of Milk Thistle (Silmax™ Flowerhead). This can be followed by an extract of Milk Thistle seedcoat (Silmax™ PC 80). By rotating these two products often, they produce an optimal response. This cyclic rotation can be tolerated for the longer periods.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 10-15 drops in 1/4 glass of water, 4 times per day or as recommended by your health practitioner.

1 Ounce $13.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $46.80

8 Ounce, save 12% $91.52

16 Ounce, save 15% $176.80

Silmax™ PC 80 Same as Silmax Flowerhead, but stronger ability to help the body with cellular repair.

More powerful than Vitamin E.

(May be rotated with other Silmax™ products for optimum recovery.)

SilMax™ PC 80 is North America’s most concentrated liquid extract of Milk Thistle. It is made from the seedcoat or pericarp (hence PC) of fully mature wild Milk Thistle seeds, which are higher in Silymarin content (a more potent antioxidant than Vitamin E).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Silmax™ PC 80?

Same as Silmax™ Flowerhead, but this product has a stronger ability to repair cellular damage because it has a higher content of silymarin. Also this product provides less of a drainage remedy than Silmax™ Flowerhead, which offers help with:

  • Constricted gallbladder
  • Gallbladder/Liver toxicity due to drug, heavy metal or insecticide intoxication
  • Assists in cases of Hepatitis
  • Helps repair free radical damage (Silymarin is a more potent antioxidant than Vitamin E)
  • Assists in reducing elevated serum SGOT, SGPT and bilirubin (These are liver enzymes. As Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), reach higher levels in the body, they are indicators of liver inflammation, damage, or disease. The lowering of these serum levels is a sign of an improving condition.)

NOTE ON SILMAX PRODUCTS: The Silmax™ products come in three potencies. Clinical experience has shown that clients with symptoms of liver damage respond best with extracts of Milk Thistle (Silmax™ Flowerhead). This can be followed by an extract of Milk Thistle seedcoat (Silmax™ PC 80). By rotating these two products often, they produce an optimal response. This cyclic rotation can be tolerated for the longer periods.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 5-15 drops in 1/4 glass of water 4 times per day or as recommended by your health practitioner.

1 Ounce $15.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $54.00

8 Ounce, save 12% $105.60

16 Ounce, save 15% $204.00

SpiroNil Helps the body reverse the effects of Lyme disease.

What is SpiroNil™?

An herbal aid that gives the body a great ability to neutralize Lyme disease (or you may want use or the other Phytotherapy Research product for Lyme disease, Biotox Elim). SpiroNil is made from the extract of Dipsacus sylvestris (Teasel root), which helps the body reverse the effects of Lyme disease.

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease. In other words, it can be delivered from one host to another. In Lyme disease, a tick bearing the Borrelia burgdorferi organism literally inserts itself into a host’s bloodstream. It then bites the host to feed on its blood. It should be noted that Borrelia burgdorferi and/or Lyme disease may be transmitted directly from one person to another and from pets to humans.

The disease was named for Lyme, Connecticut, the town where it was first diagnosed in 1975 after a puzzling outbreak of arthritis-like symptoms appeared. It is the biological toxins from the ticks that create Lyme Disease.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest easiest and most cost-effective way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 10-20 drops in 1/4 glass water three times daily or as directed by your health practitioner.

1 Ounce $16.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $57.60

8 Ounce, save 12% $112.64

16 Ounce, save 15% $217.60

U.D.G.™ (Uno De Gato /Cat’s Claw) Tablets One of the most potent brands available. Can be used for intestinal flora imbalances and infections, leaky bowel syndrome, acne and other skin problems…PLUS MORE Sorry! Tablets are Temporarily UNAVAILABLE!

A natural ancient herbal remedy that can help with overexposure to antibiotics…and more

For years tribal medicine people have understood the healing properties of plants. Cat’s Claw or Una de Gato (U.D.G.) is one of the most powerful herbs grown in South America that helps balance your intestinal flora to help promote a healthy digestive metabolism.

What’s in Cat’s Claw…is it really an herb?

A proprietary concentrate (1100 mg Equiv.) from wood and bark of Una de Gato, and Unicaria tomentosa.

A number of years ago Dr. Brent Davis (the owner of Forest Center Herbs (formerly Phytotherapy Research Lab–or PRL for short) developed an accord with what is probably the last Peruvian tribe that has not destroyed or over harvested the old, original powerful plants of Cat’s Claw (also known as Uno da Gato-UDG). The plant itself looks like a cat’s paw…thus the name “Cat’s Claw” or in Spanish “Una de Gato”.

The tribe has agreed to carefully manage the old, strongly medicinal vines of Cat’s Claw on their land for the future. Due to Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) new extraction technique, they are recovering an estimated 4 times the alkaloid content that their previous product had. This, they believe, surpasses all other Cat’s Claw products on the market. They will confirm this finally by high level laboratory testing they hope to complete soon.

I’ve heard of Samento…isn’t that supposed to be a better product?

Another Cat’s Claw product, called Samento, is making bold claims based on limited studies, which they are using to imply that all other Cat’s Claw products are worthless. Dr. Davis is looking closely at the active ingredient issue and will report on that when more definitive information becomes available. Forest Center Herbs (PRL) product is more cost-effective than Samento. Samento is providing 30 capsules that deliver 18 grams of herb for a retail of about $50.

Forest Center Herbs (PRL), on the other hand, is supplying 60 tablets (as opposed to 30 tablets) that deliver 60 grams equivalent (nearly 4 times more) of the herb for the same retail price of about $50

How can Forest Center Herbs (PRL) make more potent and cost-effective tablets?

Because they work directly with the natives. There are NO middlemen handling their Cat’s Claw. They send their own collection team to the jungle to personally transport the crude dried herb to the Peruvian extraction facility. The concentrated powder is then shipped to PRL for tableting. This also preserves a much higher healing frequency to this product. That is 60% more cost effective.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Una de Gato?

The most common indicators for using Una de Gator or Cat’s Claw are:

  • Resistant cases of dysbiosis (intestinal flora)
  • Deep seated, potentially hidden intestinal infection, which can cause infection of the uterus & adnexa or prostate
  • Leaky bowel syndrome with intestinal mucosal damage from significant exposure to antibiotics
  • Disturbed essential fatty acid metabolism due to gut mucosal damage
  • Acne and certain forms of persistent unhealthy skin
  • Menstrual problems due to organic deterioration
  • Depression linked to deep-seated toxicity and organic deterioration

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines:   1-2 tablets 3 times a day or as recommended by your health practitioner.

U.D.G.™ (Uno de Gato/Cat’s Claw) Liquid Concentrate Similar to UDG Tablets but absorbs in the body more rapidly than tablets and acts more quickly on upper body.

Get Cat’s Claw Liquid, a natural ancient herbal remedy that can help your body with overexposure to antibiotics

For years tribal medicine people have understood the healing properties of plants. U.D.G. (Una de Gato: Spanish for Cat’s Claw) is one of the most powerful herbs grown in South America that helps your body balance your intestinal flora to help promote a healthy digestive metabolism.

What’s in Cat’s Claw…is it really an herb?

Uno de Gato (Cat’s Claw) Liquid is a hydroalcoholic extract of the plant called Uncaria tomentosa.

A number of years ago Dr. Brent Davis (the owner of Forest Center Herbs (Phytotherapy Research Lab–or PRL for short) developed an accord with what is probably the last Peruvian tribe that has not destroyed or over harvested the old, original powerful plants of Cat’s Claw. The plant itself looks like a cat’s paw…thus the name “Cat’s Claw” or in Spanish “Una de Gato”.

The tribe has agreed to carefully manage these old, highly revered and strongly medicinal vines of Cat’s Claw on their land for the future. Due to Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) new extraction technique, they are recovering an estimated 4 times the alkaloid content that their previous product had. This, they believe, surpasses all other Cat’s Claw products on the market. They will confirm this finally by high level laboratory testing they hope to complete soon.

I’ve heard of Samento…isn’t that supposed to be a better product?

Another Cat’s Claw product, called Samento, is making bold claims based on limited studies, which they are using to imply that all other Cat’s Claw products are worthless. Dr. Davis is looking closely at the active ingredient issue and will report on that when more definitive information becomes available.

Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) Una de Gato product is more cost-effective than Samento.

How can Forest Center Herbs (PRL) make a more potent and cost-effective product?

Because they work directly with the natives. There are NO middlemen handling their Cat’s Claw. They send their own collection team to the jungle to personally transport the crude dried herb to the Peruvian extraction facility. The concentrated liquid is then shipped to Forest Center Herbs (PRL) for bottling. This also preserves a much higher healing frequency for this product. That is 60% more cost effective.

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Una de Gato?

The most common indicators for using Una de Gato or Cat’s Claw are:

  • Resistant cases of dysbiosis (intestinal flora)
  • Deep seated, potentially hidden intestinal infection, which can cause infection of the uterus & adnexa or prostate
  • Leaky bowel syndrome with intestinal mucosal damage from significant exposure to antibiotics
  • Disturbed essential fatty acid metabolism due to gut mucosal damage
  • Acne and certain forms of persistent unhealthy skin
  • Menstrual problems due to organic deterioration
  • Depression linked to deep-seated toxicity and organic deterioration

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results. Knowing just how much your own individual body needs is the fastest and easiest way to get relief and help your body repair.

General Guidelines: 25 drops in 1/4 glass of water 3 times daily or as recommended by your health practitioner.

NOTE: It’s possible to increase the dosage to 50 drops in the same amount of water 3 times per day, if tolerated. That means there should be NO signs of diarrhea or constipation. 70 drops of UDG Liquid is approximately equal to 2 UDG tablets.

1 Ounce $22.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $79.20

8 Ounce, save 12% $154.88

16 Ounce, save 15% $299.20

VaporNil™ For general immune support. Helps clean out and resist vapor damage from plastics, cards, carpets, paints, etc.

A natural way to deal with challenges from noxious fumes

If you’ve been exposed to vapors or fumes emitted from new plastics in cars, carpets, paints and the like, Vapornil™ is a good natural choice to help your body naturally cope with the effects.

What’s in Vapornil™?

It’s a concentrated water extract of wild North American Eupatorium fistulosum (Queen of the Meadow).

What are the some of the possible indications that show I might need Vapornil™?

  • Vapor attacks that weaken the kidneys
  • Noxious fumes that attack the psoas muscle
  • Vapors that effect the lower back
  • Lumbar syndromes
  • Ligamentous laxity in association with exposure to noxious vapors
  • Prostatitis with boggy prostate

Home Remedies Using Queen of the Meadow Extract (same as Forest Center Herbs (PRL’s) Vapornil)

Benefits of Queen of the Meadow Extract

The largest and most widely known benefit of this herb is as an aspirin like effect. Because of its natural make up, the extract works much like aspirin and can relieve pain as well as provides relief from colds, aching joints, fevers and can be used to treat a headache. It is also an anti inflammatory and can reduce inflammation throughout the body.

It is often used as an alternative for medications for the treatment of rheumatic pains and arthritis. It also reduces muscle aches and joint pain. While it does not heal the underlying cause, it can be used as a pain reliever.

In addition to this, there is some use of Queen of the Meadow extracts as a tool for reducing acidity in the body and reducing heartburn. It can work to heal inflammation occurring in the digestive tract and will help to stimulate and build the tissues there. It can work to stop pain and suffering without the negative side effects of aspirin, such as the gastric ulceration and bleeding that often occurs in people if they have taken aspirin too much.

It works as an antiseptic. It is also an ideal tool for the treatment of edema.

Traditional uses

All parts of this perennial plant were used in various herbal preparations. American Indians made root and leaf teas and decoctions to treat gout and kidney infections as well as rheumatism. These teas also were used as a diuretic and to relieve bladder complaints.

In addition, they served to treat fevers, colds, diarrhea, and liver ailments. The Ojibwa washed their children with a strong decoction of this plant to strengthen them and prevent illness. The Potawatomi used the leaves as a poultice on burns and the root medicine to clear and tone the uterus after childbirth. The flowers were considered a good-luck talisman.

The Meskwaki used this plant as one of their love medicines.

Modern uses

Herbalists today use these herbs (both species) to treat colds, fevers, and support the immune system. The whole plant is considered a tonic, and the roots provide a laxative.

Cautions: Do not use while pregnant; at any time, use these plants only with a specialist’s supervision.

Article Source:

Queen of the Meadow heals soreness of womb and abdomen after childbirth. Also good for kidneys. Steep well three roots in four quarts of water. Drink a lot anytime until soreness goes away.

– Elijah David, Seneca herbalist, Tonawanda Reserve, 1912 Side

Effects of Queen of the Meadow Extract

Queen of the meadow extracts are effective, when used properly. Those who are allergic to aspirin should not take this extract. In some cases, those under the age of 16 should not take this supplement.

What is the suggested dosage?

We recommend you contact your health practitioner for best results.

General Guidelines: Take approximately 15-30 drops in a 1/4 glass of water after each meal, 3 times daily.

1 Ounce $14.00

4 Ounce, save 10% $50.40

8 Ounce, save 12% $98.56

16 Ounce, save 15% $190.40

Carefully selected and organically grown, these liquid herbs to aid both acute and chronic health conditions
Thank you for coming to explore our web site, We truly appreciate your presence here. You and your health are a vital concern to us. We sincerely hope the information we share, the services we offer and the products we sell help you to manifest your dreams as a spiritual being and that it helps contribute to your physical health, well-being and prosperity.

Please be aware none of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products and this information are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is simply the 1st Amendment in action and is presented for information and research purposes only. We are sharing information we believe in and feel it is not commonly found in mainstream media. We’d also like to remind you, if you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own discretion and risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. By receiving this information, you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible for your own health and well being and to hold harmless Alternative Choices Healing Center, its owners, assigns or heirs from any lawsuits and litigations for any reason.

We do not recommend using any ideas found here without first consulting a medical professional or a qualified health care provider with recognized degrees and appropriate licenses.

©Copyright 2000-2016. All rights reserved. Alternative Choices Healing Center ( and its owner Dr. Xianti Hoo, Ph.D., call 1-928-639-4574. Web design and writing by Marika Ray. Graphics and some photos are from Art Today, visit