The following single remedies are presented in alphabetical order.

Agnus Castus (Chasteberry) Helps the body to regulate and normalize hormonal states in women, especially in the menstrual cycle.
Ashwaganda (Withania Longevity) Helps the body increase resistance to stressors, supports anti-aging and longevity.
Black Cohosh An herbal remedy to assist the body with many kinds of physical tension, stiffness, spasms, cramps, whiplash and more.
Black Walnut Can be effective for worms and parasites. Also helps the gallbladder purge and the intestines lubricate with bile. May assist in impetigo (a skin problem with worms) in children.
Black Willow Can be used as a sexual aid to support the bodies of males and females. For lessening or removing impotence in men or diminishing ovarian pain before and during menses in women.
Blessed Thistle Can be used as a aid to help the body with chills and fever. Also may assist liver in detoxifying. Can also be useful in cases of arthritis, polyarthritis and neuritis.
Boldo Can promote the flow of bile into the intestine, especially as a result of contraction of the gallbladder. Also helps with loss of appetitite, bitter taste, constipation and liver congestion.
Buchu Helps disinfect urinary tract. Also assists in alleviating mucous discharge, irritable bladder and prostatic disorders.
Calendula Helps heal mucous membranes in the digestive tract. May also assist in draining lymphatics around wounds. Can also be used as a tonic for flu, colds and fevers and can lower liver enzyme count.
Cilantro Can aid in digestion. Appears to naturally chelate mercury and other heavy metals. Can counter strongly imbalanced mental energy.
Culver’s Root May be used for gallbladder problems, hepatitis, liver congestion and constricted bile ducts. May also help the body recover from chronic stress and environmental toxins.
Damiana Can help the body with sluggish colon; nervous debility of spinal cord; impotence, frigidity or senile decline.
Dandelion Can be used for gastric headaches, bilious attacks, with characteristically mapped tongue and jaundiced skin. May also help with inflammation of bones, muscles, viscera, etc.
Elecampane Can act as a wide-acting master remedy. Helpful with chronic lung congestion. Can help the body with bronchitis. Also assists with weak digestion. Can reduce allergic load.
Eyebright Can be useful for eye inflammation, burning, tearing or corneal ulcers. Also may be helpful for developmentally delayed children. Use orally or topically.
Goldenrod $12.00 Helps the body balance exhausted kidneys, tired low back, tired feet plus assists the body in repairing dry skin, lesions and facial pimples.
Goldenseal Works to help the body rid itself of gastrointestinal and liver toxicity. Has an antibiotic effect and acts as a tonic to the mucosa lining of the gut so it aids the body in eliminating ulcers.
Gotu Kola Helps the body recover from fatigue due to heavy mental activity. Also helps the body restore and rebalance slowed down thought processes due to drug abuse.

Hawthorne Berry, True List Price: $12.00 Can be used to strengthen the heart. Also helps increase trophic function of cardiac muscle in the aged especially.

Larrea List Price: $12.00 Assists the body in recovering from cases of drug abuse, especially cocaine. Also helps with inflammation, viral, bacterial and some fungal infections.

1 Ounce $12.00

Melissa Officinalis Used since ancient times to give the body support as a sedative for intense heat and nervous irritation. Can also be used for hyperactivity, hyperacidic stomach with nervousness, insomnia, etc.

1 Ounce $12.00

Motherwort List Price: $12.00 Can be used to help the body support the heart and reproductive health. May be used for dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea or functional heart palpitations that may occur with PMS.

Oregon Grape Root List Price: $13.00 For intestinal and flora imbalances like Candida. Also helps the body regain health with liver/large intestine dysfunction, sluggish bowels and weak kidney energy.

Passion Flower List Price: $12.00 Thought to be one of the best mental sedatives. Can be used to support the body’s nervousness, insomnia, mental restlessness, especially with shaking in the hands.

Pau D’Arco List Price: $12.00 Assists the body in re-balancing vaginal and intestinal candidiasis, especially when they exist concurrently.

Red Clover Flowers List Price: $12.00 Can help the body in releasing heavy metals. May also enhance mineral absorption. Assists in coughs and bronchial afflictions. Also helps with some mild chronic diseases.

Red Raspberry List Price: $12.00 Helpful in pregnancy because of its reported support to the body to strengthen the uterus, promote easier delivery, discourage miscarriage and promote lactation.

Sacred Dock List Price: $13.00 Helps the body re-balance from loose stools or diarrhea, chelating of heavy metals. Supports intestinal and overall health.

Slippery Elm List Price: $12.00 Helps coat, soothe and build mucosa, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Can also help the body more easily pass large, dry stools. May help lubricate in childbirth.

Sweet Leaf List Price: $14.00 Can be used specifically for thrush and other Candidas. Helps cool heat and retain fluids. Can be used to relax the nerves, especially with diarrhea or constipation, etc.

Tribulus Terrestris (Puncture Vine) List Price: $13.00 Helps the body remove mental, nervous and physical weakness. Also beneficial for impotency. May increase libido, erectile function and concentration of spermatozoa, etc.

Uva Ursi List Price: $13.00 Can be used as an antiseptic in acute cystitis. Shown to be helpful to the body as a genitourinary tonic, diuretic, astringent, renal antiseptic.

Valerian List Price: $10.00 May be used for the body to support relaxation to the nerves and muscles for temporary relief. Also helps with colon spasms and back spasms. Can be useful for fertility therapy as well.
Vitex (Chaste berry) List Price: $10.00
Walt™ List Price: $14.00 An anti-viral extract that helps the body deal with sore throats, re-occuring Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and liver dysfunction due to stress, etc.
Withania Longevity List Price: $11.00 Can work as an adaptogen to help the body prevent aging and promote

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