No trace after pancreas cancer

I have been eager to write to you in regards to your product, BIOFILAM. I spoke to you recently during the Cancer Conference in Universal City, California during the month of Sept. 1999.

I have used your product BIOFILAM over the past 12 months. I was eager to speak to you during the conference to express to you how pleased I am with your product. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years and four months ago. As a result of my condition my doctors performed an intensive surgery called a Whipple procedure. After my surgery, I also underwent chemotherapy and radiation. 

Due to the surgery and my chemotherapy and radiation, I was told by my doctors that I would never get back to my original weight. I had lost a total of 18 pounds. A year ago I had met you and discovered your product at a Cancer Conference in Pasadena, California. I was desperately seeking something that would help me feel more energized and help me put back some of the weight I had lost. After searching all day at the conference, I finally found your product on my way out. 

Since then I have been taking BIOFILAM daily. As a result, I have gained back almost all of my weight, 14 pounds. I have also noticed an increase in my energy level and my red blood cell count is back to normal. I truly believe your product is responsible for my new health because I have not tried any other products. 

I am happy to say that to this day I am cancer free and enjoying life tremendously every day. Thank you for helping me get my health back! I will continue to use your product daily and highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking about trying it. 

Sincerely Yours, Franka Mladineo Chavez