ReviveAll™: The first step in the Abundant Life Program™ to help your body release stored memories of pain & trauma   Add to Cart

Divinely touched flowers offer us astonishing grace…

At no time in human history has it been more critical to identify and remove obstacles to the evolution of human consciousness, thereby enabling a process of balance and the restoration of personal and planetary health.

Blocks to the evolution of human consciousness reside in the unconscious or subconscious parts of our mind, and that is precisely the challenge: we are not aware that the limitations exist within us, nor are we aware that they are quietly operating all of the time. Over many years, Dr. Davis (the founder of FlorAlive®) was guided to find the six extraordinary flowers in ReviveAll™ which have the properties described below.

ReviveAll™ Blend: Assists in releasing subconscious limitations to abundance

Maquilina – Helps to counter futility & hopelessness. It removes the very common sabotaging SUBconsious belief “No matter what action I take, I will be defeated.”
Wild Iris – Helps to counter feelings of being alone and unsafe. It abolishes the unconscious belief, “I am disconnected from the source of ALL life.”
Tulip Poplar – Astonishing in promoting self-esteem. It corrects the problem of NOT believing subconsciously, “My self-esteem is strong and balanced.”
Blue Eyed Grass – Helps transmute feelings of rage and upset from (past) emotional and physical abuse & trauma. An incredibly important flower in this era.
May Apple – Helps to transmute feeling of inadequacy. It removes the defeating subconscious belief: “I lose my power when others invalidate me.”
Pink Lady Slipper – A great strengthener of trust. It removes the common defeating unconscious belief, “I do NOT trust in my life.”