We have top standards to protect you and your information
We know and understand how important your identity and financial information are to you. Shortly, every company that participates in the credit card processing chain in any way MUST be compliant and certified with strict security standards established by the credit card industry called CISP and PCI.
These standards have been endorsed by every major credit card company and adopted as the standard security method when handling credit cards. If the websites you order from or any of the service providers you use do not meet these criteria, then you could quickly find it harder to protect your financial information.
Maximum Security
Alternative Choices Healing Center is happy to announce that our shopping cart meets or exceeds the stringent requirements of Visa’s PCI & CISP programs to ensure maximum security with your sensitive financial data and information. Our shopping cart is now one of the very few online that is fully certified! That means that your can rest at night, feeling assured that your information is safe.

What is Visa CISP?
Visa’s Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) was created to define a security standard for all merchants that process, transmit and store Visa Cardholder information. This program is more than simply meeting a one-time compliance standard, there is also an ongoing compliance validation required.
This ongoing validation is designed to identify and correct any potential security vulnerabilities and to ensure the highest levels of security are maintained.

What is PCI?
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard is the result of a partnership between Visa and MasterCard and has been endorsed by every major credit card provider operating in the U.S. This standard was created to define a series of best practices when processing, transmitting and storing credit card information. PCI compliance is a requirement of CISP.
Why does this matter to me?
If you are dealing with a company that is not currently complaint, then they are going to have to comply or face being shut down by credit card providers. Visa/Mastercard will be taking action against all non-certified companies in the credit card processing chain. You, however, don’t need to worry. Your transaction here are safe.
What should I do?
The good news is that if you are an Alternative Choices Healing Center customer you don’t have to do anything at all! We’ve done all of the work necessary to ensure that our storefront automatically meets the stringent requirements that have been setout by Visa.
Fortunately for you, being an Alternative Choices Healing Center customer, we have taken care of most of your credit card processing chain and there’s little you really need to do.

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