atherosclerosis patients
A group of patients,13 men, with clinical forms of atherosclerosis (myocardial ischemia, arterial hypertension) was chosen with the purpose to study Biofilams therapeutic properties in cholesterol exchange process and atherosclerosis prevention. Research studies were performed during 3 months in the Cardiological Department of the Municipal Clinic.
Evaluation of therapeutic effect was done by analyzing the level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, beta-lipoproteids (using COBAS biochemical analyzer) in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the course of treatment. None of the patients showed any signs of negative side effects throughout the course of testing, nor any liver or kidney malfunctions were detected.
BIOFILAM proved to be very effective for patients with uncomplicated, controllable, insulin-dependent (Type I) and insulin-independent (Type II) sugar diabetes with initial stage of hypercholesteremia: total cholesterol level in the patients’ blood went down from 5.7 – 10.6 MMole/l (on average 7.7 MMole/l – before treatment) to 3.13 – 6.89 MMole/l (on average 5.68 MMole/l – after treatment), making 26.5% decrease. The level of beta-lipoproteids decreased from 75 – 115 to 55 – 90 un (on average) and was comparable with data in 85% of studies with patients with no diabetes (decrease in average values from 2.34 to 1.59 MMole/l).
Decrease in dyspeptic disorders, among other positive effects of BIOFILAM, is worth mentioning too. Product tolerance was registered as satisfactory. We have concluded, that taking BIOFILAM has a sound therapeutic effect as a preventive and medicinal remedy for people suffering atherosclerosis and other forms of hyperlipoidemia.
PhD. Sergeeva M.A., Ankhudinov Municipal Clinic , Moscow
Dear Sirs;
I have been recommending BIOFILAM to many of my patients with chronic serious conditions, and as a follow-up treatment after radiation. We are all pleased with their improved health. Thank you for bringing this product to us!
Sincerely, Jacqueline Carson, N.D. Ojai, California
Allergy and Nutrition Covina, CA
September 6, 2000
To whom it may concern: We are finding that BIOFILAM causes significant reduction in substances such as mercury and uranium. I am very pleased with this product and the results.
Sincerely, James R. Privitera, M.D.
V. Shurlan, M.D., Orthopedics, Sport Medicine, And Rehabilitation
I have used BIOFILAM extensively over the last year (1998/1999) for numerous reasons. I am fully aware of the naturopathic effects and biochemistry of this product and, therefore, I have found it to be a great adjunct and treatment choice for many of my patients.
Since I have done most of my work in arthritis, collagen research and functional nutritional biochemistry, immunity and chelation therapy, I have applied and used this product for those reasons. The response was very good, gratifying and in some cases, rather significant.
Some of my patients have reported excellent results in conjunction with oral chelation therapy, e.g. detoxification re: mercury, cadmium, lead, etc.
Personally, I have experienced the same effects over the last 6-8 months. Certainly, I am planning to continue on a daily basis with taking BIOFILAM. It is needless to say that BIOFILAM would affect and lower cholesterol (LDL), regulate blood sugar and exert different anti-viral and anti-cancer effects. It is one of the best, most pure vitamin supplements and there is a good use for hypothyroidism due to iodine content. Also, it is a well known fact that cholesterol metabolism is closely connected with algorithm of collagen cartilage breakdown – e.g. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
I am sure that an ongoing use of this product would bring up more of the results in many areas and disciplines of patient’s care (generally and specifically). I can fully recommend this product.
Sincerely Yours, V. Shurlan, M.D.
The inflammation process involves elevated synthesis of the proinflammotory mediators like adhesion molecules, white cell infiltration of gastrointestinal mucosa and altered mucosal integrity. Therapeutic use of heparin has produced clinical remission in the majority of patients with inflammatory bowel disorder. One of the mechanisms involved is restoration of the fibroblast growth factor activity that stimulates repair of the epithelium. Since fucoidan shares many properties with heparin including cell surfact activity one can expect similar therapeutic benefit with use of fucoidan.
Another mechanism of the beneficial effect of heparin, heparin sulphate and potentially fucoidan is their mucosal – protective properties as glycosaminoglycans. Gastrointestinal inflammation may cause alteration in the protective mucosal layer of glycosalminoglycans and may cause substances like heparin and fucoidan to become “conditionally essential” nutrients suitable for oral administration because they can be absorbed across the GI mucosa.
L.Gordin, M.D. Cambridge, MA