Magnesium supplements can take five years to work…Magnesium Oil takes about four weeks!

“Ultra Pure” Magnesium Oil For Less
“Deficiency of magnesium is associated with virtually every known major disease:
• Heart Attacks
• Diabetes
• Depression
• Obesity
• Cancer
• And more…
Oral magnesium supplements are not easy to assimilate and many take five years or longer to give results.”
–Dr. Norman Shealy, one of the world’s leading experts in pain management
What is Magnesium Oil?
Magnesium chloride is one of the best kept secrets, not only in naturopathic medicine but in the world of allopathic medicine where it is used in emergency rooms to save lives. This is actually an exciting medical discovery, that magnesium, one of the most common and most necessary nutritional minerals is an incredibly fast-acting, safe and effective medicine.
Magnesium chloride treatments:
• address systemic nutritional deficiencies
• act to improve the function of our cells and immune system
• help protect cells from oxidative damage
It’s a systemic medicine as well as a local one bringing new life and energy to the cells wherever it is applied topically. Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world today.
Can’t I just get the magnesium I need by using Epsom salts?
An excerpt from “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy” by Mark Sircus, O.M.D.
Magnesium chloride (found in Magnesium Oil) is an inexpensive alternative method to relieve stress, inflammation and pain at the cellular level. It is also the mineral of choice for rejuvenation and cell energy production.
Epsom salts on the other hand, are rapidly excreted through the kidneys and therefore difficult to assimilate. It is also more toxic and less absorbable and retainable in the body. Effects do not last long which means you need to add more to a bath to get similar results. It also works mainly as a laxative.
Its effect, form and toxicity demands it be used in special applications where the sulfur is needed. We do not recommend Epsom salts in the tub to increase magnesium levels since they are very alkaline and can adversely change the PH balance of the skin.
Other magnesium products are less advantageous because they lack the infection-fighting potential. Magnesium chloride crystals are made from seawater. Separately, both magnesium and chloride have important functions in keeping us healthy. Chloride combines with hydrogen in the stomach to make hydrochloric acid, a powerful digestive aid that declines in the body as we grow older.
Using other forms of magnesium is less beneficial as these have to be converted into chlorides before they can be digested. For example, when we take magnesium in the oxide or carbonate form, we then have to produce additional hydrochloric acid to absorb it.
How is magnesium best absorbed?
Dr. Norm Shealy, has tested magnesium oil using it transdermally against oral and intravenous applications. He emphasizes that through magnesium transdermal use, DHEA levels raise within a short period of time. Dr. Shealy also states that the best absorbed oral magnesium is magnesium taurate, but in his experience, it takes up to five years of taking oral magnesium supplements to restore intracellular levels to normal range.
By using magnesium oil transdermally, it restores the intracellar levels within four weeks.
Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate (Magnesium Oil) is
1. Easy to use
2. Extremely absorbable
3. Safe to use (unless you have kidney failure)

Where does Magnesium Oil come from?

Our Magnesium Products are purified by an auditable company using cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) with each lot number traceable back to its raw material and through the process and final testing. This Magnesium Oil electrolyte is not only used as our product but is pure enough to become a constituent of dialysis solutions for kidney patients as well as other pharmaceutical and food products. The raw magnesium material has been tested and qualified into validated processing which removes impurities to the parts per billion levels. All magnesium material used in processing is tested and retested. The company itself is audited by its own Pharmaceutical Customers on a routine basis and has earned the highest level of supplier evaluations in each case.

All natural sources contain their own unique set of impurities. As an example of a magnesium chloride that should not be your choice: magnesium chloride pulled from surface brine lakes that can contain everything from 40,000 ppm sulfates to organics from animals’ droppings. This is not the product that one would choose to use on the surface of their skin. What you want to take care in doing is to choose a product whose set of impurities have been identified, a product whose impurities have been removed down to the parts per billion levels, a product which has been purified, and a product that has been made by a reputable company who produces product with purity levels that qualify for pharmaceutical use. This is our product! This Magnesium product is sold to pharmaceutical companies all over the world and is considered one of the best products in the world not by verbal claims or by third party endorsement claims but by our world-wide pharmaceutical company’s evaluations and product reputation in the pharmaceutical industry. Clear Pristine – Exceptionally Pure Magnesium Oil.

Note: Some companies magnesium products do not have USA Certification.

If I take magnesium supplements, isn’t that just as good as Magnesium Oil?
Taking oral magnesium supplements everyday is like taking an antacid everyday.
The downside of taking magnesium supplements is that they are:
• A very alkaline substance
• Can neutralize stomach acid
• Which can lead to malabsorption and other health problems
Many things affect magnesium absorption from the gut no matter what form of oral supplement is used, and this seriously compromises oral administration in medical treatment. Most drugs will adversely affect how magnesium taken orally is absorbed or how quickly it will be excreted.
When we think about the drugs used for children on the autism spectrum, we should be concerned about antipsychotics used for behavior control. Zyprexa, Risperdal, and others can cause hyperglycemia, which in turn causes increased excretion of magnesium taken orally.
Many drugs bind with magnesium diminishing its availability in the body.
Two cans of soda per day (all of which contain phosphates) also bind up a lot of magnesium by preventing absorption of magnesium ions in the GI tract.
Magnesium also binds with aspartame so drinking diet sodas is not an option.
Why risk prolonged diarrhea or kidney disease?
The problem with oral magnesium supplements is that all magnesium compounds are potentially laxative.
And there is good evidence that magnesium absorption depends upon the mineral remaining in the intestine at least 12 hours. If intestinal transit time is less than 12 hours, magnesium absorption is impaired. One of the major disadvantages of magnesium compositions that are currently available is that they do not control the release of magnesium, but instead immediately release magnesium in the stomach after they are ingested.
These products are inefficient because they release magnesium in the upper gastrointestinal tract where it reacts with other substances such as calcium. These reactions reduce the absorption of magnesium. Intravenous as well as transdermal administration of magnesium bypass processing by the liver.
Consider saturating your tissues safely and easily
Both transdermal and intravenous therapy (using Magnesium Oil) create “tissue saturation”, the ability to get the nutrients where we want them, directly in the circulation, where they can reach body tissues at high doses, without loss. Intravenous administration is riskier; though as an emergency medicine it most certainly has its place.
It is well known that oral supplementation of magnesium in any significant quantities will cause massive and prolonged diarrhea and is very likely to cause serious kidney damage. These side effects are completely avoided when using magnesium chloride transdermally even with very large quantities and at high frequency rates.
Transdermal application of magnesium is far superior to oral supplements and is in reality the best practical way magnesium can be used as a medicine besides by direct injection. Used transdermally or intravenously we have a potent natural substance that penetrates the cells with stunning result on cell biochemistry. Healing, overall energy production (ATP), skin integrity, cardiac health, diabetes prevention, pain management, calming effect on the nervous system, sleep improvement, lowering of blood pressure are among the general uses magnesium chloride can be put to.
The studies coming out every day provide more evidence of the need to supply adequate magnesium to people of all ages, and in a form that will be easily absorbed. What a few can do with intravenous magnesium injections everyone can do with transdermal magnesium.
In summary, magnesium is a safe and simple intervention and should be the first thing doctors recommend to their patients. Transdermal mineral therapy with magnesium chloride is the most powerful, relatively safe medical intervention we have to care for many of our patients needs.
With this simple application of magnesium on the skin or used in baths we can easily have our patients take up their magnesium to healthier levels. With patients who are deficient in magnesium (the great majority of patients are magnesium deficient) expect dramatic improvements in a broad range of conditions.
“Magnesium chloride is a nutrient … that belongs in every household in the world, in every doctor’s clinic and in every hospital.”
An excerpt from the book “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy” by Mark Sircus, Acupuncturist, and O.M.D.

How do I know if I’m deficient in magnesium?
Mark Sircus Ac., OMD, is a medical professor as well as a communication and perceptual psychologist. He can and does instruct both patients and practitioners in his revolutionary methods. He can also respond to peoples’ emotional and spiritual needs on request. Listen to what he says in this video.
What medical conditions can a magnesium deficiency trigger?
• Anxiety and Panic attacks- Magnesium (Mg) normally keeps adrenal stress hormones under control.
• Asthma- Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with Mg deficiency.
• Blood clots- Mg has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the blood thin-much like aspirin but without the side effects.
• Bowel disease- Mg deficiency slows down the bowel causing constipation, which could lead to toxicity and mal absorption of nutrients, as well as colitis.
• Cystitis- Bladder spasms are worsened by Mg deficiency.
• Depression-Serotonin, which elevates moods, is dependent on Mg. A Mg-deficient brain is also more susceptible to allergens, foreign substances that can cause symptoms similar to mental illness.
• Detoxification- Mg is crucial for the removal of toxic substances and heavy metals such as aluminum and lead.
• Diabetes- Mg enhances insulin secretion, facilitating sugar metabolism. Without Mg insulin is not able to transfer glucose into cells. Glucose and insulin build up in the blood causing various types of tissue damage.
• Fatigue- Mg-deficient patients commonly experience fatigue because dozens of enzyme systems are under-functioning. An early symptom of Mg deficiency is frequently fatigue.
• Heart disease- Mg deficiency is common in people with heart disease. Mg is administered in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart muscle requires Mg. Mg is also used to treat angina, or chest pain.
• Hypertension- With insufficient Mg, spasm of blood vessels and high cholesterol occur, both of which lead to blood pressure problems.
• Hypoglycemia- Mg keeps insulin under control; without Mg episodes of low blood sugar can result.
• Insomnia, RLS, Sleeping Disorders – Sleep-regulating melatonin production is disturbed without sufficient Mg.
• Kidney Disease- Mg deficiency contributes to atherosclerotic kidney failure. Mg deficiency creates abnormal lipid levels and worsening blood sugar control in kidney transplant patients.
• Liver Disease leading to liver failure- Mg deficiency commonly occurs during liver transplantation.
• Migraine- Serotonin balance is Mg-dependent. Deficiency of serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression.
• Musculoskeletal conditions- Fibrositis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, eye twitches, cramps and chronic neck and back pain may be caused by Mg deficiency and can be relieved with Mg supplements.
• Nerve problems- Mg alleviates peripheral nerve disturbances throughout the whole body, such as migraines, muscle contractions, gastrointestinal spasms, and calf, foot and toe cramps. It is also used in treating central nervous symptoms of vertigo and confusion.
• Obstetrics and Gynecology- Mg prevents Premenstrual Syndrome; prevents dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses); is important in the treatment of infertility; and alleviates premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy. Intravenous Mg is given in obstetrical wards for pregnancy-induced hypertension and to lessen the risk of cerebral palsy and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Mg should be a required supplement for pregnant mothers.
• Osteoporosis- Use of calcium with Vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption without a balancing amount of Mg causes further Mg deficiency, which triggers a cascade of events leading to bone loss.
• Raynaud’s Syndrome- Mg helps relax the spastic blood vessels that cause pain and numbness of the fingers.
• Tooth decay- Mg deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth.
* Material excerpted from Carolyn Dean, MD, ND. “The Miracle of Magnesium” (2003 Ballantine Books: New York, NY), 2003. pp. 5-7. Dr. Carolyn Dean is an acknowledged authority in both conventional and alternative medicine. As the well-known author of “The Miracle of Magnesium”, she is an expert in recognizing and treating the dozens of conditions caused by magnesium deficiency.
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Thyroid Nascent Iodine helps the body stimulate the thyroid to do it’s job rather than replacing thyroid function as some synthetic medications do. Get radiation and auto-immune protection!

Can magnesium help with stress and depression?
Because magnesium is involved in so many processes in the body, once a deficiency develops, that deficiency can spiral out of control. A low magnesium level causes metabolic functions to decrease, causing further stress on the body, reducing the body’s ability to absorb and retain magnesium.
A marginal deficiency can easily be transformed into a more significant problem when stressful events trigger additional magnesium loss. In the extreme situations, stressful events can trigger sudden drops of serum magnesium, leading to cardiac arrest. Magnesium is considered the “anti-stress” mineral.
It is a natural tranquilizer that functions to relax skeletal muscles as well as the smooth muscles of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract. Even a mild deficiency of magnesium can cause increased sensitivity to noise, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, confusion, twitching, trembling, apprehension, and insomnia.
Magnesium offers a powerful way to help the body treat depression. It also helps the body to better deal with stress because large amounts of magnesium are lost when a person is under stress.
Anxiety and panic attacks are also addressed by magnesium by keeping adrenal stress hormones under control so it can really help in dealing with stressful emergencies.
Is there any relationship between magnesium levels and obesity?
It is interesting to understand that when a dieter starves himself of calories, he/she starves the brain cells as well. New research finds that these hungry brain cells then release “feed me” signals, which drive hunger, slow metabolism and ultimately cause reduced-calorie diets to fail.
Magnesium would be number one on the list of driving those hunger signals because it is also the number-one and most important mineral lacking in most processed foods today.
Obese people have a serious problem with magnesium deficiency and no matter how much they eat they can never get enough and this is especially bad for brain cells, which depend on magnesium for healthy neurological function.
Part of the problem is all the white, nutritionally-deficient foods obese people tend to eat. White foods are stripped of all of their magnesium mineral content so anyone who consumes these foods simply MUST INCREASE their magnesium to satisfy their mineral cravings!
How will I know how much to take?
Since Magnesium Oil can be used for many different health conditions, here are some suggested uses.
For internal use
Oral 3-5 sprays of magnesium chloride in a glass of pure water is an excellent way to take magnesium internally. It assists digestion, counteracts excess acidity in the stomach, and delivers magnesium swiftly into the bloodstream for distribution to all the cells of the body.
–Daniel Reid, author of Tao of Detoxification
The taste of the Magnesium in water does not taste very good. You can mix it in a little fruit juice such as grapefruit, orange, lemon or other types of juices. What ever suites you best.
Foot Bath or Tub
The recommended amount of Magnesium Oil per bath is 2 oz- 4oz. Remember other forms of Magnesium such as flakes, Lotions, or gels usually have less Magnesium per ounce in them. Best Results is using Magnesium Oil directly such as spraying it on the bottoms of your feet.
Spray On Skin
Using 4 to 6 sprays of Magnesium Oil under each arm, armpit and sides of the body. Spraying directly on area’s of concern accelerates a direct benefit to the body. Ten (10) sprays equals 1100 mg of magnesium. Use approximately ten sprays or more daily after you determine your individual tolerance.
Some people and especially children might develop a rash from using the magnesium oil when applied directly to the skin.
Note for sensitive skin: Many children, if the magnesium oil is used at full strength, will feel a burning or stinging and this can be painful and if this happens the oil should be washed off quickly. In such cases you need to dilute the magnesium oil 50/50 with distilled or mineral water and when the body acclimates to the magnesium one can then build up to the full concentration.
Rule of thumb about dosage: It is always a good idea to start with low dose and work one’s way gradually to higher doses. Whenever any kind of uncomfortable reaction occurs this is a sign to lower the dosage or concentration.
–“Trandermal Magnesium Therapy” by Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D.
Dosage Information
“ULTRA PURE” MAGNESIUM OIL 128 fl. oz. = 1 gallon =16 – 8 fl. oz. spray bottles per gallon
More than 23 G or (23,000 mg.) of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate in every ounce!
8 oz. Spray Bottle (Fine Spray Nozzle) Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate
• 8 oz. Bottle using 8 sprays (4 under each arm, arm pit, sides of the body and other areas of need) averages two months use
• More Than 23 g (23,000 mg.)
• Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate per oz. x 8 oz. = 184,000 mg. per bottle
• 184,000 mg. / 8oz. Bottle = 115 mg per spray
• 115 mg per spray/ 8 sprays per day (Minimum Recommended) = 920 mg per day
“Deficiency of magnesium is associated with virtually every known disease: heart attacks, diabetes, depression, cancer, etc. Oral magnesium supplements are not easy to assimilate and many take five years or longer to give results.”
–Dr. Norman Shealy
“90-95% of the population is deficient (in Magnesium), and most of them have thought that regular magnesium supplements (taken orally) will fix magnesium deficiencies. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.”
–Dr Carolyn Dean, MD, ND (author of “The Miracle of Magnesium”)

What kind of feedback do you get from people who use Magnesium Oil?
Four weeks to improvement | Eczema change after two days | Gums firming and teeth whiter | Atrial Fibrillation improvement in less than three days | Fast service, good results | Great help for family | Excellent service and delivery
Dr. Norm Shealy, one of the world’s leading experts in pain management, has tested magnesium oil using it transdermally against oral and intravenous applications. He emphasizes that through magnesium transdermal use, DHEA levels raise within a short period of time. According to Dr. Shealy the best absorbed oral magnesium is magnesium taurate, but in his experience, it takes up to one year of taking oral magnesium to restore intracellular levels to normal range.
Four weeks to improvement
By using magnesium oil transdermally, it restores the intracellar levels within four weeks. Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate (magnesium oil) is easy to use and it is extremely absorbable. There is no known danger to using magnesium unless you have kidney failure.
The Prehistoric Magnesium Oil lasts a long time. I apply it everyday and swish it in my mouth after brushing my teeth. Just had my teeth cleaned and the hygienist is impressed with the health of my gums. Mg is great stuff.
There’s another health change that I experienced and is documented. My calcium deposits in my Prostate had remarkably reduced. The only change was using Prehistoric Magnesium Oil and Thyroid Nascent Iodine. The MD Oncologist was impressed. Had never seen this before. He said that, “you cannot do this with diet”. Typically, he didn’t ask how I did it. Witnesses to this were Dr. Harold Ravins and another associate Graham Wallace.
–Best regards, Dan Oelkers, Coach,
Eczema change after two days
I have suffered with a patch of eczema on my ankle for years and was starting to develop patches of the same on my legs, and hip. I have used a number of prescriptions and creams given to me by my doctors for years with only temporary relief. After using your magnesium oil for two days I noticed immediate improvement initially. Within a week the patches were gone and have not returned. Nor have I had a need to use the oil since those first and last applications on days 1 & 2! It’s been nearly a year now and I am totally satisfied with your product and have endorsed it to others I know with the same condition.
–Kevin Castro
Gums firming and teeth whiter
I have recently started swishing Mag. Oil in my mouth for 20 minutes twice a day. What a wonderful difference it’s making for my gums and teeth. The pockets are closing, gums firming up, and the teeth are whiter and cleaner than I could ever get them by oil pulling using Sesame Seed oil.
–Guy Meiners
Atrial Fibrillation improvement in less than three days
I have been having Atrial Fibrillation since 1999. Cause unknown. I was 60 when it began. We were traveling as my husband had retired. I believe it was caused by breathing the fine particulates from vehicle exhaust. Monday, 01-26-09, I saw my Cardiologist and was told I am fine.
However, I went into AF at about 12 noon. The beast had struck again!!. Last time, two weeks ago, it lasted 60 hours. Anyone with this problems knows the fear we live with. Especially Stroke. I cannot take Coumadin. I have been taking many supplements +oral Magnesium at 800 mg a day along with an antiarrythimic to make life bearable.
I found Pure Magnesium Oil and ordered it. We picked up the mail and there was my package with the Mag Oil. Since I was already in AF, I thought to try it and see what happens. I sprayed it onto my feet, hands, and left breast and armpits. Even a small spray under my tongue to speed it into my system. Surprisingly, instead of the 140+ heart rate, I stayed mostly at 96 or less. I went to bed for a while dreading the next 60 hours.
Waking from a nap, I was surprised how well I felt. Still fibrillating but at a rate of 76-89. The Rhythm was more stable, not chaotic, with extra beats coming and going. ( I listen to my rhythm with a stethoscope) Not the usual dizziness nor shortness of breath. I could continue my usual activities.
Night came, then morning. Still in AF. But pulse at 76 and blood pressure very good. Around 8:45 AM I was back to my 65. (Have Pacemaker). Didn’t even feel the conversion to Normal Sinus Rhythm.
Was it the Mag Oil? I really don’t want another episode of Atrial Fibrillation to find out but if it comes, the Mag Oil will be put to the test. I am using it faithfully with high hopes. Not using it orally now but will next time. Truly, the shortening of the time from 60 hours to –Carol M. Peltier of Viroqua, WI
Fast service, good results
The service from this supplier was great, item was shipped and received quickly. The order process was easy to use. I love the product and will continue to purchase from this supplier in the future. I use both products daily and have referred them to my family members and friends I know that have a need for this product. Very pleased overall. Thank you.
–Judith Ann Gould
Great help for family
I received my order very quickly. The purchasing process was simple. The product is amazing and has helped me and my family become much healthier, more focused and relaxed. I would definitely recommend this seller and their products to anyone, their products are fantastic and I look forward to purchasing from them in the future.
–Tesha Hanson
Excellent service and delivery
My experience with this store was excellent! The website was user friendly and provided sufficient information for me to make an informed selection for my needs. Delivery was prompt and complete. I will be doing business with this store in the future.
–Theresa M Mallin

My overall experience was perfectly satisfactory, and we are thoroughly satisfied with the products and results. I definitely recommend shopping here, as I will certainly will buy from here again.
–Cynthia Wolf

Magnesium Oil Measurements

“Ultra Pure” Magnesium Oil For Less

“Deficiency of magnesium is associated with virtually every known disease: heart attacks, diabetes, depression, cancer, etc. Oral magnesium supplements are not easy to assimilate and many take five years or longer to give results.”

Our MAGNESIUM OIL Delivers MORE “Therapeutic Magnesium Benefit” to the Body …

128 fl. oz. = 1 gallon =16 – 8 fl. oz. spray bottles per gallon

More than 23 G or (23,000 mg.) of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate in every ounce!

8 oz. Spray Bottle (Fine Spray Nozzle) – Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate

8oz. Bottle using 8 sprays (4 under each arm, arm pit, sides of the body and other areas of need) averages two months use

More Than 23 g (23,000 mg.) Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate per oz. x 8 oz. = 184,000 mg. per bottle

184,000 mg. / 8oz. Bottle = 115 mg per spray

115 mg per spray/ 8 sprays per day (Minimum Recommended) = 920 mg per day

“90-95% of the population is deficient (in Magnesium), and most of them have thought that regular magnesium supplements (taken orally) will fix magnesium deficiencies. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case” Dr Carolyn Dean (author of the Miracle of Magnesium)

16 Ounce Reg. $53.95 Sale $45.95

1/2 Gallon Reg. $99.95 sale $79.95

One Gallon Reg. $189.95 Sale $142.95 (comes in two 1/2 gallon bottles)

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